Deep Learning ICP 7 - VineethaG/Python_CS5590 GitHub Wiki

Deep Learning ICP 7

Team ID: 12
Class ID: 10, Vineetha Gummadi, 
Class ID: 14, Amulya Kasaraneni. 


  • To work with different dataset

  • To compare One stack LSTM & Two stack LSTM.

Task 1: Dataset:

Code Snippet for loading new dataset:

We used the Womens Clothing E-commerce Clothing Reviews Dataset

We used review dataset of csv format in which "Text Reviews" is in 5 column and stored the text in "data.txt" for each review.

Dataset Format

Task 2:Comparing One stack LSTM & Two stack LSTM.

One Stack LSTM

rnn_cell = rnn.BasicLSTMCell(n_hidden)

Below are tensor, loss & accuracy graphs

TwoStack LSTM

rnn_cell = rnn.MultiRNNCell([rnn.BasicLSTMCell(n_hidden),rnn.BasicLSTMCell(n_hidden)])

Below are tensor, loss & accuracy graphs


Dataset: Women’s Clothing E-commerce Reviews:
learning_rate = 0.01
training_iters = 10000
display_step = 1000
n_input = 5
# number of units in RNN cell
n_hidden = 512

One Stack LTSM:

One Stack LTSM:
Iter= 9000, Average Loss= 1.872751, Average Accuracy= 67.70%
['and', 'several', 'somewhat', 'cheap', '(net)'] - [over] vs [over]
Iter= 10000, Average Loss= 2.263454, Average Accuracy= 68.40%
['it', 'online', 'bc', "it's", 'petite.'] - [i] vs [i]
Optimization Finished!
Elapsed time:  4.769242986043294 min
Run on command line.
5 words: i happened to find it
i happened to find it in a store, and i'm glad i did a find it in and store, and i'm glad i did a find it in and store, and i'm glad i did a find

Two Stack LTSM:

 Two Stack LTSM:
Iter= 9000, Average Loss= 0.929461, Average Accuracy= 81.80%
['wanted', 'it', 'to', 'work', 'for'] - [me.] vs [me.]
Iter= 10000, Average Loss= 1.103702, Average Accuracy= 78.60%
['which', 'was', 'just', 'ok.', 'overall,'] - [the] vs [a]
Optimization Finished!
Elapsed time:  10.7495547970136 min
Run on command line.
5 words: i happened to find it
i happened to find it up! - but comfortable in to dress that the top half had comfortable directly the zipper half had comfortable directly the zipper half had comfortable directly 


We observed that accuracy is more with two stack. With two stack accuracy is 78.60% whereas with one stack is 68.40%

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