Cleaning Data - Vincentvanleeuwen/frontend-data GitHub Wiki

While going through the merged data, I've found multiple entries in the location column that didn't exactly show what I wanted it to show. Therefore I made a list of these incorrect entries, and created a function to fix or filter these entries. These are all the incorrect entries:

  • Almere Buiten → Almere
  • Almere Stad → Almere
  • Garage Maasburg → Maasburg
  • Ziekenhuis) (Rotterdam → Rotterdam
  • Heerhugowaard Centrum → Heerhugowaard
  • Garage Oostwal-Oost → Oss
  • Parkeergarage Emmawijk - Dek → Zwolle
  • utrecht → Utrecht
  • Garage Boschplein → Sneek
  • haarlem → Haarlem
  • Parkeergarage Station → DELETE
  • Carpool Nuenen A270 → DELETE

I started by looking around for a fix to make cities start with a capital letter. I found a great example on stack overflow that I could use.

function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
  return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);

console.log(capitalizeFirstLetter('foo')); // Foo


This piece of code checks the first letter in a string, and capitalizes it.

For the rest of the data I've decided to use a switch. It checks every value, and if it matches a case it'll change that value to the correct value.

Now I can finally start with restructuring the data set. I started by changing everything from an array to an object.

export const restructureDataSets = (arr) => {

  return arr.reduce((acc, cur, i) => {

    // -- 0:{ areaid: '', charginpoint: '', geoloc: ''}	    // Location, capacity, and chargingPoints
    let location = cur[3][1];
    let capacity = +cur[0][1];
    let chargingPoints = +cur[1][1];

    //If location doesn't exist
    if (!acc[location]) {

      // Add location
      acc[location] = {capacity: 0, chargingPointCapacity: 0}

    // Add capacity and chargingPointCapacity to location
    acc[location].capacity += capacity;
    acc[location].chargingPointCapacity += chargingPoints;

    return acc;

  }, {});


Next I wanted to try to split the datasets in two parts, one part being full of cities, and the other full of towns.

export const restructureDataSets = (arr) => {

  return arr.reduce((acc, cur, i) => {

    // Location, capacity, and chargingPoints
    let location = cur[3][1];
    let capacity = +cur[0][1];
    let chargingPoints = +cur[1][1];

    acc = {cities: {}, towns: {}};

    //If location doesn't exist
    if(!acc.cities.location) {

      if(cities.includes(location)) {
        acc.cities[location] = { capacity: 0, chargingPointCapacity: 0};
        acc.cities[location].capacity += capacity;
        acc.cities[location].chargingPointCapacity += chargingPoints;
      } else {
        acc.towns[location] = { capacity: 0, chargingPointCapacity: 0};
        acc.towns[location].capacity += capacity;
        acc.towns[location].chargingPointCapacity += chargingPoints;


    // Add capacity and chargingPointCapacity to location

    return acc;

  }, {});

This didn't seem to work as I want because every time an entry goes through the reduce function, I'm setting accumulator back to an empty object with city and towns in it.

After a lot of trial and error, Jonah advised me to make use of .find() just like I did in my Merge function. The way I'm getting the location, capacity and chargingPoints is correct. I'm getting the correct values from those variables.

I wanted the reduce function to merge city with a double entry. So I created a findIndex function that looked for items with the same location, and returned the index of this item to the variable "itemIndex". To check if this item exists, I checked if itemIndex is higher than -1. If it's -1 it means it doesn't exist. If it exists, I'm only pushing the amount of capacity and chargingPoints to the existing item. Otherwise I'm creating a new object and adding it directly to the accumulator.

export const restructureDataSets = (arr) => {

  return arr.reduce((acc, cur) => {

    let location = cur[3][1];
    let capacity = +cur[0][1];
    let chargingPoints = +cur[1][1];

    // Check if location matches another entries' location, return the index
    const itemIndex = acc.findIndex(item => item.location === location);

    // Check if index exists
    if(itemIndex > -1) {

      // Add capacity/chargingpointcapacity to this object
      acc[itemIndex].capacity += capacity;
      acc[itemIndex].chargingPointCapacity += chargingPoints;
    } else {

      // Otherwise create a new entry
      const newItem = {
        location: null,
        capacity: 0,
        chargingPointCapacity: 0,
        type: null

      // Add capacity, chargingPointCapacity, and location to entry
      newItem.location = location;
      newItem.capacity += capacity;
      newItem.chargingPointCapacity += chargingPoints;

      // Set the type of the entry
      if (!newItem.type) {
        // Check if town or city
        if (cities.includes(location)) {
          newItem.type = 'city';
        } else {
          newItem.type = 'town';
    return acc;
  }, []);