Setting Up Your First Mod - ViaMods/Black-Ops-3-Mod-Tools GitHub Wiki
Firstly, to start things off we must open up the Black Ops III Mod Tools Launcher. From here, we want to press "File -> New" (Ctrl + N) and create our_first_mod (see screenshots below)
In this tutorial, we'll just be focusing on mp_mod and we will be ignoring the others: core_mod, cp_mod and zm_mod.
Secondly, we need to setup a GSC which we know will be guaranteed to be executed by the Black Ops III engine. This is known as "_clientids.gsc", this will be our home script.
We will want to right-click on our mp_mod and open the Zone Folder where you will see 4 .zone files. Go back a directory so that you are in the directory /path/to/BO3/mods/our_first_mod/
Now we need to make 3 directories, all within each other as we need this path:
In the above screenshot, I have already created the file "_clientids.gsc" - so if you haven't already, you should create the file as this is our home script and is a necessity to making our mod work within all stock and custom maps. Now within the "_clientids.gsc" file, we need to write (or paste) the following code:
#using scripts\codescripts\struct;
#using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared;
#using scripts\shared\system_shared;
#insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh;
#namespace clientids;
REGISTER_SYSTEM( "clientids", &__init__, undefined )
function __init__()
callback::on_start_gametype( &init );
callback::on_connect( &onPlayerConnect );
callback::on_spawned( &onPlayerSpawned );
function init() { level.clientid = 0; }
function onPlayerConnect()
self.clientid = matchRecordNewPlayer(self);
if (!isdefined(self.clientid) || self.clientid == -1)
self.clientid = level.clientid;
iprintln("Client: " + + " | Client ID: " + self.clientid);
function onPlayerSpawned()
self iprintln("Tutorial by ^4Byte");
self iprintln("");
To break this code down, it does the following: When the file is first called (executed) by the engine, it will run the function init() by default. So because of this, we want to setup our callbacks straight away so we can start catching the player's in-game.
We have setup callbacks for on_connect(); and on_spawned(); - on_connect(); is called when a player is connecting to the game or server. on_spawned(); is called every time a player spawns (the first initial spawn, or when they spawn after dying, etc.).
When the player joins, we assign a "clientid" to them. This allows us to call or make edits to the player by using their ID (identifier).
When a player spawns, we will write them a message in their killfeed by using the function "iprintln(text);". Tip: You want to make sure to reference self before calling "iprintln(text);" because if you don't, the text is then printed to all the players within the game!
Now that our GSC is all setup, we need to make a link from our Zone file to our GSC (home script) file. This can be done by opening up your "mp_mod" Zone File by right-clicking via the Mod Tools Launcher and selecting "Edit Zone File".
Amend your Zone File to look like this:
#include "mp_mod.class"
(The extra line is the line beginning with scriptparsetree - this defines the location of a GSC to be compiled into the FastFile)
Now we need to compile our mod and load up a game. To compile our mod, we will need to select the following functions on the Mod Tools Launcher.
Within the parameters field, enter "mp_mod.ff" so we can compile our map into a FastFile.
Your output should be like this:
B:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\gdtdb\gdtdb.exe /update
gdtDB: updating
processed (0 GDTs) (0 assets) in 2.612 sec
gdtDB: successfully updated database.
B:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\bin\linker_modtools.exe -language english -fs_game our_first_mod -modsource mp_mod
Linking "mp_mod" (mods\our_first_mod stable 2535281 v593):
done: 0m3.25s
Linking "en_mp_mod" (mods\our_first_mod stable 2535281 v593):
done: 0m2.03s
And to launch, we simply untick everything on the right-side, make sure "mp_mod" is ticked on the left window and click Build. This should launch Black Ops 3 to the title screen and at the top-right, we should see "mod loaded: our_first_mod" like this:
All you'll want to do is go into a private match and start the game! Once you're finally in a game, you should see when you spawn at the bottom-left of your screen (in the killfeed) "Tutorial by Byte", "".
You can also just download the source by downloading the attached ZIP file on the forum post, this ZIP file will contain all the necessary files in order to complete this tutorial.
Tutorial Courtesy of Byte