Config - VetheonGames/SurvivalPlus GitHub Wiki


You can disable certain features or change values by doing the following:

  1. Open plugins/SurvivalPlus
  2. Open config.yml
  3. Save the file after editing and reload.

Let's take a look at the config.yml

This is the default config. During updates, when values change, you will most likely lose the notes for the config. You can get these back by deleting your config or checking back here.

# Settings

# Notes in this config are lost on updates if the config file changes
# If you would like to see the notes, delete this file and it will regenerate with notes
# (Make sure to backup your config file)

# Preset language file includes in-game messages, item names, lore, etc.
# Language options are EN (English) or CN (Chinese)
Language: EN

  # Enable the SurvivalPlus resource pack for players
  EnableResourcePack: true
  # The link to the pack, you can put a custom link here if need be
  # Notify players when they log in if they deny the resource pack
  NotifyMessage: true

# The distance from the player at which other players will see their chat messages
# -1 = disabled
LocalChatDist: -1

# Disable player's coords in the Minecraft debug screen
NoPos: true

# When a player joins, they will get a link to a simple starter guide
  Enabled: true
  # Only send to players the first time they log in
  NewPlayersOnly: false
  # Delay in seconds until this message appears
  Delay: 5

  # When enabled, the basic custom SurvivalPlus items will be included in the game
  Enabled: true

  # With this enabled, players will only be able to craft items which they have unlocked recipes for
  LimitedCrafting: false

  # If true, all custom recipes will be unlocked when a player joins
  # If false, recipes will be unlocked as a player advances thru the game
  Unlock-all-recipes-on-join: false

  # With these enabled, players will only be able to break most blocks with the correct tools
    Axe: true
    Pickaxe: true
    Shovel: true
    Shears: true
    Sickle: true

  # Enable each sickle individually
  # (note: if BreakOnlyWith.Sickle = false or Survival.Enabled = false, these will be ignored)
  # (note: diamond and iron sickles rely on stone sickles in their recipe, so its best to leave stone enabled if diamond or iron are enabled)
    Flint: true
    Stone: true
    Iron: true
    Diamond: false

  # With this enabled, players will need a hammer in their off hand to place most buildable blocks
    Hammer: true

  # The rates at which items will drop (Value between 0.01 -> 1.0)
    # Dropped when breaking gravel
    Flint: 0.5
    # Dropped when breaking leaves
    Stick: 0.25

  # Enables custom torch recipes
  Torch: true

  # Enables updating trade options for merchants (ie: Villagers) with custom items equivalent to the trade option
  # Ex: An armorer offers diamond chestplate -> diamond chestplate with the slowness attribute
  # Ex: A toolsmith offers diamond hoe -> diamond sickle
  UpdateMerchantTrades: true

  # This is an experimental feature, I recommend not using it
  SharedWorkbench: false

  # When enabled the night will not skip to day when players sleep
  Prevent-Night-Skip: false

  # When enabled, players will slow down when wearing heavy armor such as diamond or gold armor
  SlowArmor: true
  # Enables recipes for reinforced leather armor
  ReinforcedLeatherArmor: true

  # When enabled, players will only be able to shoot a bow/crossbow from their main hand
  # They will also need to have arrows in their offhand to shoot a bow/load a crossbow
  Bow: true
  # Enables the recurved bow and crossbow
  RecurveBow: true
  # Enables grappling hooks
  GrapplingHook: true
  # Enables the medical kit
  MedicalKit: true
  # Reduced recipes for iron/gold nuggets
  ReducedIronNugget: true
  ReducedGoldNugget: true

  # Shows the players different status levels in a scoreboard
  StatusScoreboard: true
  # Interval for alert messages [in seconds] (Currently used to warn players when thirst/nutrients are low)
  AlertInterval: 20

  # Applies hunger to players when eating raw meat
  RawMeatHunger: true

  # Players can empty potions in a workbench
  EmptyPotions: true

  # When consuming poisonous potatoes, apply a few extra effects to the player
  PoisonousPotato: true

  # Eating cookies will boost a player's health
  CookieHealthBoost: true

  # Eating beetroots will boost a player's strength
  BeetrootStrength: true

  # Players will need to eat a different variety of foods to stay nourished
    enabled: true
    # Max level for each nutritional value
      carbs: 50000
      salts: 50000
      proteins: 50000
    # Each nutrition section has different effects when player's levels are too low
        # Exhaustion amplifier will differ based on server difficulty level
          easy: 2
          normal: 4
          hard: 8
        exhaustion-amplifier: 1
        # Status effects/amplifiers can differ based on server difficulty level
            # The effect (uses Bukkit PotionEffectTypes)
            # You can find these effects here:
            effect: WEAKNESS
            # The amplifying level (0 = tier 1, 1 = tier 2)
            amplifier: 0
            # The time in seconds this effect will last for
            duration: 20
            effect: WEAKNESS
            amplifier: 1
            duration: 20
        exhaustion-amplifier: 1
        # Status effects/amplifiers can differ based on server difficulty level
            effect: WEAKNESS
            amplifier: 0
            duration: 20
            effect: WEAKNESS
            amplifier: 1
            duration: 20


For a more detailed description of the thirst system, check out the Hydration Wiki

    Enabled: true
    # The level of thirst a player starts out with (max = 40)
    Starting-Amount: 30
    # The level of thirst a player gets after respawning after death (max = 40)
    Respawn-Amount: 30
    # Enables 3 different levels of water (dirty, clean, purified)
    PurifyWater: true
    MeltSnow: true
    # The rate at which a player's thirst level will drop (value from 0.01 -> 1.0)
    DrainRate: 1.0
    # If player is in a HOT biome, drain 1 extra thirst point every X seconds
    # This helps speed up thirst draining when a player is in a hot biome like the desert or savannah
    # (ex: at a rate of 30, thirst drops 2 points a minute, which means the player would lose all thirst in 20 minutes)
    # If set to 0, this will be disabled
    HeatDrain: 30
    # If player is in the nether, drain 1 extra thirst point every X seconds
    # This helps speed up thirst draining when a player is in the nether
    # (ex: at a rate of 30, thirst drops 2 points a minute, which means the player would lose all thirst in 20 minutes)
    # If set to 0, this will be disabled
    NetherDrain: 30
    # The amount of damage a player takes when their thirst level is empty
    DamageRate: 1.0
    # The level of thirst that will be replenished when a player consumes this item
      beetroot-soup: 6
      melon-slice: 6
      mushroom-stew: 12
      water-bowl: 10
      coffee: 23
      cold-milk: 15
      hot-milk: 10
      milk-bucket: 30
      honey-bottle: 16
      # Only used if PurifyWater is enabled
      dirty-water: 13
      clean-water: 18
      purified-water: 23
      # This can be used for any other water bottle (such as custom ones or just vanilla water bottles)
      # If you do not want players to get thirst from other water bottles leave this at 0
      other-water: 0
      # Only used if PurifyWater is disabled
      water: 18


For a more detailed explanation of the energy system, check out the Energy Wiki

    # Players will have an energy level out of 20, as it drops, players will get weak and suffer some bad effects
    # With this enabled, players will need to sleep often or risk losing energy
    enabled: true
    # Warn the player via message when energy starts dropping below 10
    warning: true
    # The amount of energy a player loses every 5 seconds of gameplay
    # Default (0.015) equivalent to 3.6 levels in 1 MC day (20 minutes)
    drain-rate: 0.015
    # If the player is in a cold biome, exposed to the sky, drain energy quicker
    # Default (0.015) equivalent to 3.6 levels in 1 MC day (20 minutes)
    # Setting to 0 will disable this
    cold-drain-rate: 0.015
    # Every 5 seconds a player spends in bed, the level of energy to increase
    sleeping-refresh-rate: 0.83 # Default (0.83) equivalent to 10 levels in 1 minute
    # Every 5 seconds a player spends sitting in a chair, the level of energy to increase
    # (Will only work if chairs are enabled)
    chair-refresh-rate: 0.25 # Default (0.41) equivalent to 3 levels in 1 minute
    # Players doing exhaustive tasks (such as mining, running, jumping) will lose energy quicker
    # Amount to drop per exhaustion reset (when the player's hunger bar drops) (set to 0 to disable)
    exhaustion: 0.15
    # Enables coffee recipes and effects (Drink coffee to regain energy)
    coffee: true
    # Player will get a few minutes of absorption when their energy is high
    absorption: true
    # Player will get a few minutes of haste when their energy is high
    haste: true

    # The level of hunger a player starts out with (max = 40)(this is a mixture of hunger and saturation)
    Starting-Amount: 30
    # The level of hunger a player will receive after respawning after death (max = 40)
    Respawn-Amount: 30

  # Players can set a waypoint to a location using a compass
    enabled: true
    # Whether a player is able to set a point for each world
    per-world: true
  # Players can eat a tropical fish to teleport to their waypoint
  # (Clownfish was the old type that's why this is still here)
  Clownfish: true

  # Enables fermented skin recipes
  FermentedSkin: true

  # Enables living slime
  LivingSlime: true

  # When a player throws a snowball it will place a snow layer on the ground
  SnowballRevamp: true

  # Currently disabled, do not use!!!
  SnowGenerationRevamp: false
    Bread: true
    Cookie: true

  # Enables chairs and the blocks that can be used for chairs
    Enabled: true
    MaxChairWidth: 2
    # These must be Bukkit material Enums
      - OAK_STAIRS

    Enabled: false
    # Time (in seconds) before torch will burn out
    BurnoutTime: 60
    # If burnout torches can be re-lit
    Relightable: true
    # If non persistent torches will drop a torch when broken, if disabled will drop a stick
    DropTorch: true
    # If persistent torches are enabled
    PersistentTorches: true

  # These mechanics change how weather affects the player
    Enabled: false
    # Speed modifiers adjust player's speed based on weather
      # This is the base speed (vanilla speed = 0.10) when a player is in normal conditions
      base: 0.10
      # The speed when the player is in the rain
      rain: 0.085
      # The speed when the player is in the rain and its thundering
      storm: 0.075
      # The speed when the player is walking on snow
      snow: 0.065
      # The speed when the player is walking in a snow storm
      snowstorm: 0.05

# Mechanics that flow around entities
  # When a player opens a chest in the nether, and it contains gold items, zombie pigmen will attack the player
    enabled: false
    # Max radius to check for zombie pigmen around chests
    distance: 24
    # Speeds up the pigmen when they are triggered (1.0 = no increase in speed)
    speed-modifier: 1.3
  # When a player has a beekeeper suit on they will not take damage from bee stings
    enabled: true
  # When a player kills a zombie/zombie villager/drowned/husk/zombie horse they may drop suspicious meat
  # This meat has a random chance of a good or bad effect added to it
    enabled: true
    # Chance of drops (out of 100)
    chance: 15
  # When enabled, breeding chickens will not spawn baby chickens, but rather drop eggs
  # The eggs that drop during breeding will always spawn a chicken
  # The eggs that drop naturally by chickens are not affected by this
    enabled: true
    # The maximum amount of eggs that will drop when breeding (random between 1 and this number)
    max-eggs: 4
    # Chickens spawned from eggs will always be a baby
    always-baby: true
    # The amount of ticks this chicken will be a baby for
    # If 'always-baby = false' this time will only be applied to baby chickens
    # Vanilla default = 24,000 ticks = 20 minutes
    baby-ticks: 48000

# Enables custom recipes (Overrides vanilla recipes)
# Disable these if you prefer to just use the vanilla recipes
  Saddle: true
  Nametag: true
  PackedIce: true
  LeatherBard: true
  IronBard: true
  GoldBard: true
  DiamondBard: true
  ClayBrick: true
  QuartzBlock: true
  WoolString: true
  WebString: true
  Ice: true
  Clay: true
  Diorite: false
  Granite: false
  Andesite: false
  Gravel: true
  Slimeball: true
  Cobweb: true
  SaplingToSticks: true
  FishingRod: true
  Furnace: true
  Workbench: true

# Enables legendary items
  CanRepair: true
  ValkyrieAxe: true
  QuartzPickaxe: true
  ObsidianMace: true
  GiantBlade: true
  BlazeSword: true
  NotchApple: true
  GoldArmorBuff: true