To do after demo - VerityMiles/ProgrammingFundamentals GitHub Wiki
To do
- Replies - Verity to work on Wednesday night
I think that our replies HashMap might need to be: public HashMap<User, String> replies;
One of the problems is that instead of adding the text it is adding the weird commentID field (Comment@70dea4e for example)
But this then wrecks a whole heap of other code...and want to discuss as my brain isn't working and this may be entirely wrong...
I have now changed it to a string
We have the problem with User not being an appropriate key. I have trialled it and the second reply from a user overwrites the first reply/ comment from that user. It might be easier to use an ArrayList where we don't have to worry about the ID.
I might need your help with the showReviews method
- OS - check duplicate of getOS and getVersion with game
- Game - check duplicate of getOS and getVersion with game
- Fix John got Forbes/ magazine issue - Matt Y
- Formatting - last minute (sunday)
Extra marks
- Constructor exception handlers - Verity
- Try using an IllegalArgumentException - need a hand to work out where to put this
- Make replies indent - Matt