Verigreen Upgrade Instructions - Verigreen/verigreen GitHub Wiki

Upgrade Instructions

Version 2.5.6

Please follow below steps to upgrade Verigreen from version 2.5.2 to 2.5.6.
If upgrading from version 2.0.1, please perform the required steps for upgrading to version 2.5.2 first.

Note: In this version, the cache folder was moved within the Verigreen Collector's configuration folder - the folder holding the file.
When upgrading to this version, please:

  1. Move the existing cache folder into the configuration folder. Rename the folder, if needed, to "cacheloader" (without quotes, in lowercase).
  2. Remove the cachefolder related text from the Verigreen's service script, or simply download an update.

###On the Git server:

  1. Download the new hook files: Verigreen 2.5.6 Hook tar.gz deploy the new hook.
    Suggested method:
    a. Create a new folder vg256, extract all archived files from above archive.
    b. Copy the file from current hook folder to new folder, vg256.
    c. Rename old folder (add "_252", for example).
    d. Rename vg252 to the original folder name in step 1c, above.

###On the Verigreen (Ubuntu) machine:

  1. Get the latest Verigreen docker image:
    docker pull verigreen/vg-collector

  2. Add the following lines to the Verigreen's file. Recommended location is after the line starting with "_ job.retry.counter_" (without quotes):

#Queue Manager:
#The maximum number of commits Verigreen will run verification for at the same time.
#Set this to no more than the number of concurrent verification builds that Jenkins can run simultaneously.

1. Add the following lines at the end of the Verigreen's __config.properties__ file.  

# FAQ Page Configuration  
    #Enable offline FAQ page  
    #In case the Internet connection is limited or restricted this parameter should be set to true in order to have access to the FAQ page   
    #If there are no restrictions this parameter should be set to false, the FAQ page being accessed directly on the github page  
    #Set to true and provide below offline URLs and files as needed.  
    #These properties should not be changed  
  1. Restart Verigreen – not while verifications are running!
    service verigreen restart

Version 2.5.2

Please follow below steps to upgrade Verigreen from version 2.0.1 to 2.5.2.

###On the Git server:

  1. Download the new hook files: Verigreen 2.5.2 Hook tar.gz deploy the new hook.
    Suggested method:
    a. Create a new folder vg252, extract all archived files from above archive.
    b. Copy the file from current hook folder to new folder, vg252.
    c. Rename old folder (add "_201", for example).
    d. Rename vg252 to the original folder name in step 1c, above.

###On the Verigreen (Ubuntu) machine:

  1. Add the following lines to the Verigreen's file. Recommended location is after the line starting with "repeatSecondlyForever" (without quotes):

    # Number of cycles before giving up on the Jenkins connection or build(s) status  
    # Number of retries for each Jenkins call  

2.	Get the latest Verigreen docker image:  
        ``docker pull verigreen/vg-collector``

3.	Restart Verigreen – not while verifications are running!  
        ``service verigreen restart``

+ Verigreen is now checking all its Jenkins job builds at once, every _repeatSecondlyForever_ seconds.
+ After _timout.counter_ such checks, if no information was received from Jenkins regarding a newly started verification (or push operation), a new build will be submitted for this verification.  
+ If no information was received from Jenkins after _job.retry.counter_ times, the verification is marked as __Trigger_Failed__ in the UI.  
+ The _timout.counter_ parameter is especially important if the Verigreen verification job has a long quiet period.