Setting up a Heroku Developer Account for Push Access - VerifiableRobotics/LTLMoPWeb3D GitHub Wiki

This page explains where to go to set up your Heroku Developer Account to be able to push to the LTLMoPWeb3D Heroku server.

Step 1: Get a Heroku Developer Account

Go to Heroku's website and click sign up.

Step 2: Become a collaborator on the LTLMoPWeb3D Heroku app

Have the current owner of the LTLMoPWeb3D Heroku app add you as a collaborator.

Step 3: Set up Heroku's Command Line Interface (CLI)

  1. Download the Heroku toolbelt.
  2. Once complete, open up a terminal and type heroku login. Fill in your Heroku email and password for your developer account following the inline instructions.

Step 4: Add the Heroku LTLMoPWeb3D repository as a git remote

In a terminal, change directories to the directory which contains your local LTLMoPWeb3D clone. From there, type heroku git:remote -a ltlmop to create a git remote called heroku.
Note: If this is a fork of the server, please use the name of your Heroku app instead of ltlmop.

Step 5: Push to Heroku!

When you're ready to push code to Heroku from your local clone, open up a terminal in it's directory and simply type git push heroku master and watch the deployment script run.

Still need help?
Check out this article for more information about setting up Heroku and Git.
Or this article for seeing the server logs for the Heroku server (heroku logs).
Or this wiki page if you're actually seeking to do an initial deployment to a new Heroku server.

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