adding custom buttons - VerduzcoTristan/GUIUtility GitHub Wiki
You probably want to make your own functions for when the GUI, that's kind of the whole point right? To create an item with custom functions, you need to use the Entry class
Here is an example of the class in action:
public class HealEntry implements Entry {
public HealEntry(Material material, int slot)
super(material, slot); // Not required, but allows for simple implementation = "&6&lHeal";
this.quantity = 64;
// Runs when your item/button is clicked
public void onClick(InventoryClickEvent event)
Player player = (Player) event.getView().getPlayer();
Now we need to add this entry to our GUI. This line goes after invoking the super/parent constructor in your gui class. Example here
this.entries.add(new HealEntry(Material.GOLDEN_APPLE, 14));
Now that you know all the essential things that make up a well made GUI, its about time to open it now isn't it?