Witchhunter Plate Armor (High Elf Female) |
PC_Event_55.Skel.PC_Event_55_HighElf_F_D_Skel |
Witchhunter Plate Armor (High Elf Male) |
PC_Event_55.Skel.PC_Event_55_Highelf_M_D_Skel |
Witchhunter Plate Armor (Human Female) |
PC_Event_55.Skel.PC_Event_55_Human_F_D_Skel |
Witchhunter Plate Armor (Human Male) |
PC_Event_55.Skel.PC_Event_55_Human_M_D_Skel |
Witchhunter Plate Armor (Popori) |
PC_Event_55.Skel.PC_Event_55_Popori_M_D_Skel |
Woden’s Armor (Amani Female) |
PC_Event_101.Skel.PC_Event_101_Aman_F_B_Skel |
Woden’s Armor (Amani Male) |
PC_Event_101.Skel.PC_Event_101_Aman_M_B_Skel |
Woden’s Armor (Baraka) |
PC_Event_101.Skel.PC_Event_101_Baraka_M_B_Skel |
Woden’s Armor (Castanic Female) |
PC_Event_101.Skel.PC_Event_101_Castanic_F_B_Skel |
Woden’s Armor (Castanic Male) |
PC_Event_101.Skel.PC_Event_101_Castanic_M_B_Skel |
Woden’s Armor (Elin) |
PC_Event_101.Skel.PC_Event_101_Popori_F_B_Skel |
Woden’s Armor (High Elf Female) |
PC_Event_101.Skel.PC_Event_101_Highelf_F_B_Skel |
Woden’s Armor (High Elf Male) |
PC_Event_101.Skel.PC_Event_101_Highelf_M_B_Skel |
Woden’s Armor (Human Female) |
PC_Event_101.Skel.PC_Event_101_Human_F_B_Skel |
Woden’s Armor (Human Male) |
PC_Event_101.Skel.PC_Event_101_Human_M_B_Skel |
Woden’s Armor (Popori) |
PC_Event_101.Skel.PC_Event_101_Popori_M_B_Skel |
Wood Pixie Costume (Amani Female) |
PC_Event_68.Skel.PC_Event_68_Aman_F_A_Skel |
Wood Pixie Costume (Amani Male) |
PC_Event_68.Skel.PC_Event_68_Aman_M_A_Skel |
Wood Pixie Costume (Baraka) |
PC_Event_68.Skel.PC_Event_68_Baraka_M_A_Skel |
Wood Pixie Costume (Castanic Female) |
PC_Event_68.Skel.PC_Event_68_Castanic_F_A_Skel |
Wood Pixie Costume (Castanic Male) |
PC_Event_68.Skel.PC_Event_68_Castanic_M_A_Skel |
Wood Pixie Costume (Elin) |
PC_Event_68.Skel.PC_Event_68_Popori_F_A_Skel |
Wood Pixie Costume (High Elf Female) |
PC_Event_68.Skel.PC_Event_68_HighElf_F_A_Skel |
Wood Pixie Costume (High Elf Male) |
PC_Event_68.Skel.PC_Event_68_HighElf_M_A_Skel |
Wood Pixie Costume (Human Female) |
PC_Event_68.Skel.PC_Event_68_Human_F_A_Skel |
Wood Pixie Costume (Human Male) |
PC_Event_68.Skel.PC_Event_68_Human_M_A_Skel |
Wood Pixie Costume (Popori) |
PC_Event_68.Skel.PC_Event_68_Popori_M_A_Skel |
Wrestling Costume (Amani Male) |
PC_Event_48.Skel.PC_Event_48_Aman_M_Skel |
Wrestling Costume (Baraka) |
PC_Event_48.Skel.PC_Event_48_Baraka_M_Skel |
Wrestling Costume (Castanic Male) |
PC_Event_48.Skel.PC_Event_48_Castanic_M_Skel |
Wrestling Costume (High Elf Male) |
PC_Event_48.Skel.PC_Event_48_Highelf_M_Skel |
Wrestling Costume (Human Male) |
PC_Event_48.Skel.PC_Event_48_Human_M_Skel |
Wrestling Costume (Popori) |
PC_Event_48.Skel.PC_Event_48_Popori_M_Skel |
Yellow Bermudas |
PC_Event_01.Skel.PC_Event_01_Popori_M_Skel |
Yellow Board Shorts |
PC_Event_01.Skel.PC_Event_01_Castanic_M_Skel |
Yellow Boxers |
PC_Event_01.Skel.PC_Event_01_Highelf_M_Skel |
Yellow Dippers |
PC_Event_01.Skel.PC_Event_01_Popori_M_Skel |
Yellow Halter Bandeau Swimsuit |
PC_Event_01.Skel.PC_Event_01_Human_F_Skel |
Yellow Kart Outfit (Amani Female) |
PC_Event_37.Skel.PC_Event_37_Aman_F_C_Skel |
Yellow Kart Outfit (Amani Male) |
PC_Event_37.Skel.PC_Event_37_Aman_M_C_Skel |
Yellow Kart Outfit (Baraka) |
PC_Event_37.Skel.PC_Event_37_Baraka_M_C_Skel |
Yellow Kart Outfit (Castanic Female) |
PC_Event_37.Skel.PC_Event_37_Castanic_F_C_Skel |
Yellow Kart Outfit (Castanic Male) |
PC_Event_37.Skel.PC_Event_37_Castanic_M_C_Skel |
Yellow Kart Outfit (Elin) |
PC_Event_37.Skel.PC_Event_37_Popori_F_C_Skel |
Yellow Kart Outfit (High Elf Female) |
PC_Event_37.Skel.PC_Event_37_Human_F_C_Skel |
Yellow Kart Outfit (High Elf Male) |
PC_Event_37.Skel.PC_Event_37_Highelf_M_C_Skel |
Yellow Kart Outfit (Human Female) |
PC_Event_37.Skel.PC_Event_37_Human_F_C_Skel |
Yellow Kart Outfit (Human Male) |
PC_Event_37.Skel.PC_Event_37_Human_M_C_Skel |
Yellow Kart Outfit (Popori) |
PC_Event_37.Skel.PC_Event_37_Popori_M_C_Skel |
Yellow Leathers |
Human_F_H.Skel.16.Human_F_G06_Body_skel |
Yellow Lifeguard Swimsuit |
PC_Event_01.Skel.PC_Event_01_Braka_M_Skel |
Yellow Pique Dress (Elin) |
PC_Event_29.Skel.PC_Event_29_Popori_F_C_Skel |
Yellow Stripe Wild Jacket(30days) |
PC_Event_23.Skel.PC_Event_23_Human_F_Skel |
Yellow Striped Fighting Togs |
PC_Event_23.Skel.PC_Event_23_Human_F_Skel |
Yellow Trunks |
PC_Event_01.Skel.PC_Event_01_Aman_M_Skel |
Zuulmaster Breastplate |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B01_body_Skel |
[Dummy] Dragonslayer's Garb |
PC_Event_47.Skel.PC_Event_47_Popori_M_Skel |
[Elegant Fashion] Celebrity Hauberk Template |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B02_body_Skel |
[Elegant Fashion] Celebrity Robe Template |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N03_Body_Skel |
[Elegant Fashion] Complementary Wrath Robe |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N03_Body_Skel |
[Elegant Fashion] Dreadwraith Mail |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B04_body_Skel |
[Elegant Fashion] Elite Hauberk |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B03_body_Skel |
[Elegant Fashion] Elite Robe |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N01_Body_Skel |
[Elegant Fashion] Follower's Garb |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N02_Body_Skel |
[Elegant Fashion] Hauberk of the Unforgettable |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B01_body_Skel |
[Elegant Fashion] Rock Hard Hauberk |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B01_body_Skel |
[Event] Fitness Briefs |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
[Event] Fortified Briefs |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
[Event] Insulated Bodywear |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
[Event] Noble Comfy Linen Underwear |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
[Event] Noble Fresh Linen Underwear |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
[Event] Noble Glowing Linen Underwear |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
[Event] Noble Sporty Linen Underwear |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
[Event] Noble Warm Linen Underwear |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
[Event] Performance Bodywear |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Amani Female) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Aman_F_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Amani Female, 30 Days) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Aman_F_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Amani Male) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Aman_M_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Amani Male, 30 Days) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Aman_M_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Baraka) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Baraka_M_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Baraka, 30 Days) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Baraka_M_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Castanic Female) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Castanic_F_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Castanic Female, 30 Days) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Castanic_F_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Castanic Male) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Castanic_M_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Castanic Male, 30 Days) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Castanic_M_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Elin) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Popori_F_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Elin, 30 Days) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Popori_F_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (High Elf Female) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Highelf_F_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (High Elf Female, 30 Days) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Highelf_F_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (High Elf Male) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Highelf_M_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (High Elf Male, 30 Days) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Highelf_M_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Human Female) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Human_F_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Human Female, 30 Days) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Human_F_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Human Male) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Human_M_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Human Male, 30 Days) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Human_M_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Popori) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Popori_M_B_Skel |
[Event] Pingu Pingu (Popori, 30 Days) |
PC_Event_28.Skel.PC_Event_28_Popori_M_B_Skel |
[Event] Reinforced Drawers |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
[Fantastic Fashion] Everneath Gown |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N03_Body_Skel |
[Fantastic Fashion] Knollscream Mail |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B03_body_Skel |
[Fantastic Fashion] Knollscream Motley |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N04_Body_Skel |
[Fantastic Fashion] Manafire Hauberk |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B02_body_Skel |
[Fantastic Fashion] Melsanir Breastplate |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B04_body_Skel |
[Fantastic Fashion] Nepir's Silky Ice Hauberk |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B01_body_Skel |
[Fantastic Fashion] Nepir's Specter Robe |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N03_Body_Skel |
[Fantastic Fashion] Nightshine Robe |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N03_Body_Skel |
[Fantastic Fashion] Robes of Vadoma |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N04_Body_Skel |
[Fashion] Aegean Ancestral Cuirass |
Castanic_F_L.Skel.00.Castanic_F_S04_Body_Skel |
[Fashion] Agnitor's Nexus Hauberk |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B02_body_Skel |
[Fashion] Agnitor's Nexus Robe |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N03_Body_Skel |
[Fashion] Black Mirrored Cuirass |
Castanic_F_L.Skel.00.Castanic_F_S03_Body_Skel |
[Fashion] Burgundy Ancestral Cuirass |
Castanic_F_L.Skel.00.Castanic_F_S04_Body_Skel |
[Fashion] Cobalt Steel Cuirass |
Castanic_F_L.Skel.00.Castanic_F_S02_Body_Skel |
[Fashion] Conjunct Hauberk |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B02_body_Skel |
[Fashion] Conjunct Robe |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N01_Body_Skel |
[Fashion] Crimson Steel Cuirass |
Castanic_F_L.Skel.00.Castanic_F_S02_Body_Skel |
[Fashion] Dust Steel Cuirass |
Castanic_F_L.Skel.00.Castanic_F_S02_Body_Skel |
[Fashion] Follower's Garb |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N02_Body_Skel |
[Fashion] Guile Mail |
PC_Event_42A.Skel.PC_Event_42A_Popori_F_Skel |
[Fashion] Guile Robe |
PC_Event_42A.Skel.PC_Event_42A_Popori_F_Skel |
[Fashion] Guile Vest |
PC_Event_42A.Skel.PC_Event_42A_Popori_F_Skel |
[Fashion] Hauberk of Mystel |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B04_body_Skel |
[Fashion] Heart's Cage |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B02_body_Skel |
[Fashion] Rock Hard Hauberk |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B01_body_Skel |
[Fashion] Steel Ancestral Cuirass |
Castanic_F_L.Skel.00.Castanic_F_S04_Body_Skel |
[Fashion] Temptation |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N03_Body_Skel |
[Fashion] Varletess Cuirass |
Castanic_F_L.Skel.00.Castanic_F_S01_Body_Skel |
[Fashion] Visionmaker's Robe |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N03_Body_Skel |
[Fashion] White Mirrored Cuirass |
Castanic_F_L.Skel.00.Castanic_F_S03_Body_Skel |
[Luxurious Fashion] Federation Supply Robe |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N01_Body_Skel |
[Luxurious Fashion] Hauberk of Mystel |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B04_body_Skel |
[Luxurious Fashion] Outrider's Chestpiece |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B03_body_Skel |
[Luxurious Fashion] Outrider's Robes |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N01_Body_Skel |
[Luxurious Fashion] Sanctimonious Raiments |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N04_Body_Skel |
[Luxurious Fashion] Well-Admired Platemail |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B01_body_Skel |
[Stylish Fashion] Abyssal Plate |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B04_body_Skel |
[Stylish Fashion] Breastplate of the Vanquisher |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B04_body_Skel |
[Stylish Fashion] Hauberk of Conveyance |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B03_body_Skel |
[Stylish Fashion] Hauberk of the Exalted |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B01_body_Skel |
[Stylish Fashion] Honey Sweet Robes |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N04_Body_Skel |
[Stylish Fashion] Raiments of the Seer |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N03_Body_Skel |
[Stylish Fashion] Robes of Conveyance |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N02_Body_Skel |
[Stylish Fashion] Robes of Syldranas |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N04_Body_Skel |
[Stylish Fashion] Unusual Hauberk Template |
Popori_F_H32.Skel.Popori_F_B02_body_Skel |
[Stylish Fashion] Unusual Robe Template |
Popori_F_R.Skel.17.Popori_F_N05_Body_Skel |
[TBU] |
PC_Event_02.Skel.PC_Event_02_Popori_F_01_Skel |
[Untradable] Pique Dress (Elin) |
PC_Event_29.Skel.PC_Event_29_Popori_F_C_Skel |
권술사 1번 복장 |
PC_Event_06.Skel.PC_Event_06_Human_F_Skel |
권술사 2번 복장 |
PC_Event_06.Skel.PC_Event_06_Human_F_Skel |
권술사 3번 복장 |
PC_Event_06.Skel.PC_Event_06_Human_F_Skel |
권술사 4번 복장 |
PC_Event_06.Skel.PC_Event_06_Human_F_Skel |
인술사 프리미엄 복장 |
PC_Event_06.Skel.PC_Event_06_Human_F_Skel |
테스트속옷_일반_성능레벨60 |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
테스트속옷_일반_성능레벨61 |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
테스트속옷_일반_성능레벨62 |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
테스트속옷_일반_성능레벨63 |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
테스트속옷_일반_성능레벨64 |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |
테스트속옷_일반_성능레벨65 |
UnderWear00.Skel.UnderWear00_Human_F_Skel |