Answering Questions - Vector-Programming/VectorSessions GitHub Wiki

To answer questions go into the QuestionSets folder. The questions will be found in a .md in the folder of each topic.

Steps for answering questions:

  1. Create a folder with the name the same as your name in the respective question set folder
  2. Create files like Q1_Answer... with the solutions to the corresponding questions and put them in the folder
  3. Commit changes to local branch
  4. Create a pull request

Exact command based directions:

  1. cd into your forked repo
  2. git pull upstream master {update your forked repository}
  3. Do your stuff {create/modify/delete files}
  4. git add . {stage the changes to be committed}
  5. git commit -m"<commit_message>" {commit the new changes to your local repo}
  6. git push {upload your changes to your forked repo}
  7. Open new pull request on Github {to get it reviewed and merged}

Contact the admins personally in any case of any discrepancy.