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This is an XTEA-Cipher implementation in Python (eXtended Tiny Encryption Algorithm).
XTEA is a blockcipher with 8 bytes blocksize and 16 bytes Keysize (128-Bit). The algorithm is secure at 2014 with the recommend 64 rounds (32 cycles). This implementation supports following modes of operation: ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR
It also supports CBC-MAC.
>>> from xtea import * >>> key = " "*16 # Never use this >>> text = "This is a text. "*8 >>> x = new(key, mode=MODE_OFB, IV="12345678") >>> c = x.encrypt(text) >>> text == x.decrypt(c) True
I does NOT guarantee that this implementation (or the base cipher) is secure. If there are bugs, tell me them please.
Version 0.4.0; Jul 12, 2014
[0.4.0] Buggless & PEP compliant CTR | added CBCMAC
- CTR mode works with strings now
- raises DeprecatedWarning if a number is returned
- CBCMAC class added (use static method CBCMAC.new(args) to generate)
[0.3.2] Minor Fixes
[0.3.1] Minor Fixes
- Fixed that the length of data will not be checked
[0.3.0] Added CFB mode
- Added CFB mode
- Fully working with PEP 272
- Raising NotImplementedError only on PGP-CFB (OpenPGP) mode
- Wheel support and changelog (0.2.1)
Never released...
- Added better wheel support for uploading (just for me) with a setup.cfg
- Added this file (auto uploading on pypi/warehouse and github)
- (upload.py for github)
[0.2.0] Added a test feature; warning in CTR
- Added a test feature
- Raises warning on CTR, added a handler that CTR will not crash anymore ;)
[0.1.1] NotImplementedError on CFB
- Module raises a NotImplementedError on CFB
- Minor changes
[0.1] Initial release
- Supports all mode except CFB
- Buggy CTR ( "ß" = "\xc3\x9f" )
- Working with PEP 272, default mode is ECB