The most important things to remember from the course
Basics of Unity
How to move around a scene, how to create game objects and components
Creating projects
Loading assets from the Unity Asset Store
Prefabs, how to create them, how to edit them and how to add them to the scene.
Audio in Unity
Audio Source, Audio Clip and Audio Listener
Play on Awake for sounds that happen when something appears
Loop on music
Audio Mixer in Unity
Scripting with Audio
Automatic Unity functions like Start and Update. Update() happens on every frame, which is 60 times a second, Start() happens when the game starts.
Parameters, the memory of the scripts
If they are public, you can edit them form the Unity editor.
OnTriggerEnter, OnTriggerExit for invisible objects that trigger certain audio events.
On CollisionEnter for bumping into things.
GetComponent finds you any component attached to that GameObject, and then you can use all the functions related to it and change any of it's parameters.
GetComponentInChildren also looks for any components in their Children.