Category: Utility Lua-Based Scripts
- isSuccessfulEntry: boolean
- boss: string
- maxEntries: number
Notes: Determines whether a player can enter a boss based on their bossing history and the configuration. A maxEntries of -1 will automatically pass through without recording. A maxEntries of 0 will automatically reject without checking. Any other number will process the appropriate boss records and allow passage if the player has not met the limits.
- boss: string
- maxEntries: number
Notes: Counts the number of times the player has bossed in the appropriate time period. A maxEntries of -1 will automatically return 32767. A maxEntries of 0 will automatically return 0. Any other number will process the appropriate boss records and count as long as the record is still applicable.
Notes: Automatically turns the channel configuration into a message for the player. Used for any script that forces the player to go to specific channels for a boss.
Notes: Performs the tedious task of appending an "s" to any number of times that isn't 1.