Bug reporting - VanaDev/Vana GitHub Wiki
Issues may be submitted via GitHub.
Please review known issues before posting bug reports.
Information that should be included in the report:
- Operating system + OS bit distinction (e.g. Win7 64-bit)
- Build type for Visual Studio builds (e.g. Release/Debug)
- If it's a crash or infinite loop, a full call stack is very much appreciated
- Detailed reproduction instructions
- Hardware information if important (e.g. for performance issues)
- Commit information if important (e.g. if a problem is introduced in a specific commit)
- MapleStory client version information
It doesn't work.
What doesn't work? Under what conditions doesn't it work? Is there a platform component to it not working?
Monsters fall through the floor.
What maps? What monsters? Is it summoned monsters only or regular spawns?
The server freezes.
Was there a specific action taken before it froze? Where did it freeze?
When I use item 2290016, it doesn't modify the maximum level of my skills. My class is Hero and I'm level 140. I have all of the skill prerequisites.
On map 922010900, I summon mob 9400569 and it spawns monsters correctly. However, they will sometimes fall out of the map and sometimes stay on the map.
When I load around 500 maps, my server starts to lag very heavily. I have an old Pentium III CPU that has a max speed of 800MHz.