- VamsiSangam/PhDPortal GitHub Wiki

def send_reminder_to_referees():
  • returns None
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def forgotpassword(request):
  • returns view app/other/forgot_password.html
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def _get_user_type(user):
  • user - User model object.
  • returns String object with value S or G or D or R or A
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def _get_user_type_object(user):
  • user - User model object.
  • returns dict type object with keys -
    1. username - contains username of the user.
    2. type - contains return value of _get_user_type(user)
    3. Keys added by the method -
    • _get_all_student_info(user, dict) if the user is a student.
    • _get_all_guide_info(user, dict) if the user is a faculty member.
    • _get_all_referee_info(user, dict) if the user is a referee.
    • _get_all_admin_info(user, dict) if the user is the admin (Ph.D. cell).
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def _get_all_user_info(user):
  • user - User model object.
  • returns
    1. Student type object if user is a student.
    2. Faculty type object if user is a faculty member.
    3. Referee type object if user is a referee.
    4. Admin type object if user is the admin (Ph.D. cell).
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def _get_all_referee_info(user, dict):
  • user - User model object.
  • dict - dict object.
  • returns None, adds keys to dict parameter.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def _get_all_admin_info(user, dict):
  • user - User model object.
  • dict - dict object.
  • returns None, adds keys to dict parameter.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def _get_all_student_info(user, dict):
  • user - User model object.
  • dict - dict object.
  • returns None, adds keys to dict parameter.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def _get_all_guide_info(user, dict):
  • user - User model object.
  • dict - dict object.
  • returns None, adds keys to dict parameter.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def user_profile(request):
  • returns view app/common/user_profile.html, sends data to view -
    1. layout_data - contains return value of get_layout_data(request)
    2. user - dict, contains return value of _get_all_user_info()
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def view_user_profile(request, username):
  • username - String object which is the username of a particular user.
  • returns view app/common/user_profile.html, sends data to view -
    1. layout_data - contains return value of get_layout_data(request)
    2. user - dict, contains return value of _get_all_user_info()
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def send_notification(sender, receiver, message, link):
  • sender - User model object.
  • receiver - User model object.
  • message - String object which is the message content.
  • link - String object which is the link to redirect when notification is clicked.
  • returns None
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def validate_request(request):
  • request - HttpRequest object which is received by a method which handles an application request.
  • returns
    1. True - if the user has accessed a proper URL
    2. False - if the user has accessed a URL he/she shouldn't
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def validate_pdf(file_dict):
  • file_dict - request.FILES['file'] - dict object which has file details
  • returns
    1. True - if file is a valid PDF
    2. False - if the file is not valid
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def _add_user_data_to_session(user, request):
  • user - User model object.
  • request - HttpRequest object.
  • returns None
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def login(request):
  • returns view app/other/login.html for a GET request, performs authentication for POST
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def logout(request):
  • returns None. Redirects user to login page after performing logout
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def user_edit_profile(request):
  • returns view app/common/edit_profile.html for GET request and POST request.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def send_text_email(receiver, subject, content):
  • receiver - User model object.
  • subject - String object.
  • content - String object.
  • returns None
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def user_notifications(request):
  • returns view app/common/notifications.html, sends data to view -
    1. layout_data - contains return value of get_layout_data(request).
    2. read_notifications - QuerySet object, contains list of all read notifications of logged in user.
    3. unread_notifications - QuerySet object, contains list of all unread notifications of logged in user.
    4. zone - String object, name of the timezone in which the logged in user belongs to.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def _verify_user_notification(user, id):
  • user - User model object.
  • id - int, ID of the notification in the Notification model.
  • returns
    1. True - if notification exists and belongs to user
    2. False - invalid notification id / user
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def delete_user_notification(request, id):
  • id - int, ID of the notification in the Notification model.
  • redirects user to User notifications page if deletion is successful.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def delete_all_unread_notifications(request):
  • redirects user to User notifications page if deletion is successful.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def delete_all_read_notifications(request):
  • redirects user to User notifications page if deletion is successful.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def mark_all_notifications_read(request):
  • redirects user to User notifications page if operation is successful.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def mark_notification_read(request, id):
  • id - int, ID of the notification in the Notification model.
  • redirects user to User notifications page if operation is successful.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def search_user(request):
  • returns view app/common/search_user.html
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def _clean_user_info_results(data):
  • data - list of tuples.
  • returns list of dictionary objects where each dict has the keys -
    1. username
    2. first_name
    3. last_name
    4. email
    5. type
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def search_user_query(request):
  • returns JSON text, which is the json.dumps() of the return value of _clean_user_info_results()
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def get_referee_recommendations(thesis):
  • thesis - Thesis model object.
  • returns dict object with keys -
    1. indian - list of dict objects, where each dict object has the keys -
    • username - String, username of referee
    • full_name - String, full name of referee
    • address - String, currently hard-coded to No yet included in database
    • designation - String, designation of referee
    • website - String, website of referee
    • university - String, university name of referee
    • type - String of value Indian
    1. foreign - list of dict objects, where each dict object has the same keys as above, except for type, which holds value Foreign.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def get_layout_data(request):
  • request - HttpRequest object.
  • returns dict object with keys
    1. unread_notifications_count - int, count of unread notifications
    2. unread_notifications - QuerySet object, top 3 unread notifications by user. Currently not sorted by time.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
  • Control flow -
    1. Query for all thesis under a guide.
    2. For each thesis retrieve the status.
def bad_request(request):
  • returns view app/layouts/error.html, sends data to the view -
    1. status_code - int of value 400.
    2. message - String object which has message to display.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
def not_found(request):
  • returns view app/layouts/error.html, sends data to the view -
    1. status_code - int of value 404.
    2. message - String object which has message to display.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
def unauthorized_access(request):
  • returns view app/layouts/error.html, sends data to the view -
    1. status_code - int of value 401.
    2. message - String object which has message to display.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
def forbidden(request):
  • returns view app/layouts/error.html, sends data to the view -
    1. status_code - int of value 403.
    2. message - String object which has message to display.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.
def internal_server_error(request):
  • returns view app/layouts/error.html, sends data to the view -
    1. status_code - int of value 500.
    2. message - String object which has message to display.
  • Write a short sentence about what the method does.