ReadMe - VamsiSangam/PhDPortal GitHub Wiki

Readme for Installation of Libraries and Setup Files.

All the libraries used for the development of the project are listed in the requirements.txt file

They are:

  1. django==1.9
  2. reportlab
  3. selenium
  4. python-dateutil
  5. pytz
  6. tzlocal
  7. celery==3.1.18
  8. redis==2.10.3
  9. cryptography
  10. pyenchant

How to Install?

  • Since we worked on visual studio 2015, we just need to install the requirements.txt file,in order to get all these libraries installed in the virtual environment created.

  • Or, one can install these through command line using commands.

  • For example pip install django --> By doing this the latest version of the django gets installed.

  • But if you want to install the specified version the command line looks like pip install django==1.9

  • Then the django, 1.9 version gets installed in our environment.

Specified Versions used

  • Python >= 3.4
  • Django == 1.9
  • tzlocal == 1.4 (latest version).
  • redis == 2.10.3
  • pytz == 2016.10 (latest version).
  • celery == 3.1.18
  • pyenchant == 1.6.8 (latest version), used to check the spellings of the input text.
  • cryptography >= 1.8.1
  • Selenium (latest version) --> Optional, we used this for testing purposes.
  • Report lab --> Not required, used latex instead of this. Everything is installed through the requirements.txt file.

All the setup tools used for the development of the project are given below:

  • Python-3.4 or Python-3.6 This can be downloaded from Website
  • Redis which acts as a message broker for celery requires a setup file(redis-2.4.6-setup-64-bit). This can be downloaded from Website
  • For converting to a PDF file we used latex, and used xelatex, pdflatex commands.So, in order to make pdf's using latex --one need to install the MikTex in the system This can be downloaded from Website

To learn more about getting celery worked, go through blog . This explains how to install redis and test its existence in the system and how to Start Celery used commands like

  • celery -A APPNAME worker -l info
  • celery -A APPNAME beat -l info

And also gives details about the necessary commands to include in the file. Note: Please go through this blog follow the instructions carefully. One must go through that blog in order to get how exactly the celery works.

Few problems faced:

During installing the cryptography library, an error occurred.And we solved it using a command line python -m pip install -U pip .

That is just to update the existing pip. Follow the link for more details

Inserting IEEE Keywords

As said by Pavan sir, the keywords related to thesis should be shown to the student like a tree structure with branches and so on..

So the given IEEEKeywords(included in sourcecode files) were ordered levelwise by preprocessing the PDF file(include in sourcecode files) to convert into standard sql statements so that they are inserted into the database(app_ieeekeyword table) by the user.

i.e., taxonomy_v101 KEYWORDS IEEE.pdf file is converted to IEEEKeywords.txt by preprocessing. IEEEKeywords.txt is converted to sql statements and stored in SqlCommands_To_Insert_Keywords_Levelwise.txt file. User need to execute these commands compulsory as per application logic.

Finally, we thank Stack Overflow for helping us to solve all our problems during the development of the project. And we also suggest the developers using the source code can use StackOverflow to get their problems solved.