3. Status of the application - VagosAplas/GEO1007-EvWare GitHub Wiki
In this section, the parts of the application that do not work are presented. Moreover, possible reasons and recommendations for further improvements are described. The application is tested in different browsers in order to examine possible malfunctions. The EvWare web application is tested in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox the results are shown in the figures below:
EvWare web application in Google Chrome (self localization accuracy lower than Mozilla Firefox): EvWare web application in Mozilla Firefox (date/time picker does not work):
Automatically, the sharing date is going to be stored and the events location is going to be determined as inside or outside with a building number. So far, the determination of inside/outside and the building number works fine when an event is inputted through the QGIS works fine, but when it is inputted through the Geoclient it isn’t. This might be attributed to difference in CRS or geometry format, as the problem only occurs when the event is inside and the building number has to be determined. Moreover, there is one more field that is not currently filled correctly, the save_date.
Since the web application is developed using Microsoft WebMatrix with PHP installed. The PHP function only works for proxy generated by Microsoft WebMatrix (even not for the GeoServer). For now, the chart generating function only works for Google Chrome. In order to work, the following extensions need to be installed, depending on the different browsers. For Google Chrome the extension is called “Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: *” (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/allow-control-allow-origi/nlfbmbojpeacfghkpbjhddihlkkiljbi?hl=en), for Mozilla Firefox the “CORS Everywhere” needs to be installed and enabled (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/cors-everywhere/ ), in order to allow WebMatrix localhost to get access to GeoServer.