Tag Info - Vaerys-Dawn/DiscordSailv2 GitHub Wiki
If a Custom Command with this tag is not run in any of the channels specified in the tag arguments it will print an error and close the tag process.
Usage: <channelLock>{#Channel_1;;#Channel_2...}
This tag removes itself great for adding search tags.
Usage: <searchTags>{tag1;;tag2;;tag...}
Replaces the tag with true if args are empty and false if they are not.
Usage: <ifArgsEmpty>{True;;False}
Replaces the first argument with true if args are empty and false if they are not.
Usage: <ifArgsEmptyReplace>{Replace;;True;;False}
Replaces itself with any args given. append <dontSanitise> to the command to stop args from being sanitised.
Usage: <args>
When this tag is put at the end of a line it removes the line break.
Usage: <!break>
Replaces itself with an invisible character that takes up no space.
Usage: <spacer>
Replaces itself with the display name of the user running the command.
Usage: <author>
Replaces itself with the username of the user running the command.
Usage: <username>
Replaces itself with the emoji of the same name.
Usage: #:EmojiName:#
Replaces itself with the current level of the user.
Usage: <level>
Replaces itself with a user mention of the current user.
Usage: <user>
Replaces the tag with the channel mention of the Id specified.
Usage: <channel>{ChannelID}
Replaces the tag with the display name of the user.
Usage: <displayName>{UserID}
Replaces itself with the current server's name.
Usage: <server>
Replaces itself with the current channel's name.
Usage: <channel>
When placed anywhere in the info.txt file it will create a new message starting at the tag.
Usage: <split>
Replaces itself with a newline character.
Usage: <br>
When this tag is put at the end of a line it removes the line break.
Usage: <!br>
replaces the tag with the word at the position of the first argument.
Usage: <args!>{ArgsPosition}
When activated if the user has been added to the Try list for this command it will return with the contents of the tag and close the admin cc process, else it will remove itself.
Usage: <limitTry>{Contents}
Replaces the tag with a random value.
Usage: <random>{Rand1;;Rand2;;Rand3...}
Replaces the first argument with a random value.
Usage: <replaceRandom>{Replace;;Rand1;;Rand2;;Rand3...}
Randomly selects an amount of variables based on the amount specified in the subtag and joins them together with the separator variable.
Usage: <shuffle:Amount>{Separator;;Rand1;;Rand2;;Rand3...}
Replaces the tag with true if user running the command has a Role that contains argument and false if they do not.
Usage: <ifRole>{Role;;True;;False}
Replaces the tag with true if user running the command has the first argument in their name or nickname and false if they do not.
Usage: <ifName>{Name;;True;;False}
Replaces the tag with true if args contains the first arguments and false if it does not.
Usage: <ifArgs>{Contains;;True;;False}
replaces itself with text based of if its in the specified channel or not.
Usage: <ifChannel>{#channel;;true;;false}
Replaces the second argument with true if user running the command has a Role that contains argument and false if they do not.
Usage: <ifRoleReplace>{RoleName;;Replace;;True;;False}
Replaces the second argument with true if user running the command has the first argument in their name or nickname and false if they do not.
Usage: <ifNameReplace>{Name;;Replace;;True;;False}
Replaces the second argument with true if args contains the first argument and false if they do not.
Usage: <ifArgsReplace>{Contains;;Replace;;True;;False}
replaces the second argument with text based of if its in the specified channel or not.
Usage: <ifChannelReplace>{Channel;;Replace;;True;;False}
Replaces the first argument with the second argument.
Usage: <replace>{ReplaceThis;;WithThis}
Does the same as the replace tag but it is nestable within other tags.
Usage: <replace!>(ReplaceThis::WithThis)\</r>
Uses a regular expression to replace parts of the command with the second argument.
Usage: <regex>{Regex;;ReplaceWith}
Randomly selects an amount of variables based on the amount specified in the subtag and joins them together with the separator variable and then replaces the first variable with the complete set.
Usage: <shuffleReplace:Amount>{ReplaceThis;;Separator;;Rand1;;Rand2;;Rand3...}
replaces the tag with a number between the first argument and last argument inclusive.
Usage: <randNum>{MinNum;;MaxNum}
replaces itself with a random Custom Emoji that belongs to the current server.
Usage: <randEmote>
Replaces any tag errors with the first argument.
Usage: <repError>{ReplaceWith}
If the user has the Path Key specifies in the SubTag it will replace itself with the contents of the tag, else it will remove itself.
However if the SubTag is set to "Start" it will act as if the user has that key unless they have any other keys.
When activated the tag will remove any keys the user may have to the path.
Usage: <path:PathID>{Contents}
If the user has Path Keys and no paths have been activated it will replace itself with the contents of the tag, else it will remove itself.
Usage: <noPath>{Contents}
If the user has the Path Key specifies in the SubTag it will replace itself with one of the randomly chosen variables of the tag, else it will remove itself.
However if the SubTag is set to "Start" it will act as if the user has that key unless they have any other keys.
When activated the tag will remove any keys the user may have to the path.
Usage: <pathRandom:PathID>{Rand1;;Rand2;;Rand3...}
If the user has the Path Key specifies in the SubTag it will replace the first variable with the second variable and remove itself, else it will just remove itself.
However if the SubTag is set to "Start" it will act as if the user has that key unless they have any other keys.
When activated the tag will remove any keys the user may have to the path.
Usage: <pathReplace:PathID>{ReplaceThis;;WithThis}
If the user has the Path Key specifies in the SubTag it will replace the first variable with one of the randomly chosen variables of the tag and then remove itself, else it will just remove itself.
However if the SubTag is set to "Start" it will act as if the user has that key unless they have any other keys.
When activated the tag will remove any keys the user may have to the path.
Usage: <pathReplaceRandom:PathID>{ReplaceThis;;WithThis;;OrThis...}
This tag will clear all active path keys a user has. Removes itself upon activation.
Usage: <clearAllPaths>
Removes a Path key with the SubTag as the name. Removes itself upon activation.
Usage: <removePath:PathID>
Grants a Path key with the SubTag as the name. Removes itself upon activation.
Usage: <grantPath:PathID>
replaces itself with a list of all active keys the user has.
Usage: <listKeys>
Add's the user to the list of attempts when the tag is run. Will only work if the Admin CC contains the <LimitTry> Tag. Removes itself upon activation.
Usage: <addTry>
Grants the user the role specified in the Subtag upon activation. Replaces itself with "You have been granted the RoleName role".
Usage: <grantRole:Role Name>
Replaces itself with nothing.
Usage: <empty>
Adds the amount of pixels specified in the SubTag to the user's profile upon activation. Replaces itself with "You have been granted x pixels".
Limit of 200 pixels, or 2000 with LimitTry Enabled. (Affected by Pixel multiplier)
Usage: <addPixels:PixelCount>
Removes the amount of pixels specified in the SubTag from the user's profile upon activation. Replaces itself with "You have lost x pixels".
Limit of 200 Pixels. (Affected by Pixel multiplier)
Usage: <removePixels:PixelCount>
Sets the response to all caps.
Usage: <toCaps>
This tag is used to tell the <args> tag not to sanitize the input.
Usage: <dontSanitize>
Checks the length of the cc. If the final output is over 2000 chars it sends an error.
Usage: <checkLength>
Removes the message that called this command.
Usage: <delCall>
Removes mass mentions like Everyone and Here and turns role and user mentions into plain text.
Usage: <removeMentions>
Sends the imageURL as a file.
Usage: <embedImage>{ImageURL}
Sends the image specified from the internal storage. Will fail if the path is wrong or the file doesn't exist.
Usage: <image>{ImageName.format}