S.A.I.L Startup Guide - Vaerys-Dawn/DiscordSailv2 GitHub Wiki

Helpful commands.

Note: Arguments surrounded by [ and ] are required.
Arguments surrounded by ( and ) are optional.


This command sends you information about S.A.I.L's Configuration for your server.

@S.A.I.L SetCommandPrefix [Prefix]

sets your server's command prefix

@S.A.I.L SetCCPrefix [Prefix]

sets your server's Custom command prefix.

The Help Command Tree

Its always Important to remember the way that you can get command information
from S.A.I.L, This is the Help tree.

$Help > $Help [Command Type] > $Info [Command]

The Help command lists all of the avalible commands, and the Info command
gives you a brief run down of what you need to know about each command.

Channels and Toggles

Two commands you should get familiar with are $ChannelHere and $Toggle.

These two commands help you set up everything to do with things such as where
you can run commands to what sort of admin tools are abalible to you.

$Toggle (Toggle Type)

  • Login Message (Default: true)
    This one Is broken right now but is supposed to let you see S.A.I.L's login message.
  • GeneralLogging (Default: false)
    This one allows you to see who ran what commands when and with what arguments.
    (Does not include admin commands that is a seperate toggle)
    requires the general logging channel to be set up.
  • AdminLogging (Default: false)
    This one lets you see what Admin commands have been run and what arguments were used.
    requires the Admin Logging channel to be set up.
  • EditLogging (Default: false)
    Will post the old message after a message is edited to the general logging channel.
    requires the General Logging channel to be set up.
  • DeleteLogging(Default: false)
    Will post all deleted messages to the general logging channel. requires the General Logging channel to be set up.
  • JoinLeaveLogging(Default: false)
    Will send a message when a user joins or leaves the server to the general logging channel.
    requires the General Logging channel to be set up.
  • UserRoleLogging (Default: false)
    Will send a message detailing user role updates to the general logging channel.
    requires the General Logging channel to be set up.
  • DenyInvites (Default: false)
    will deny users without a trusted role from posting discord invites. will also mention staff
    if you have the roletomention set up. (See $SetRoleToMenntion) (See $SetTrustedRoles)
  • MentionSpam (Default: true)
    Mention spam when enabled will deny anyone without the mention everyone permission from
    mentioning more than 8 users at a time sending a Mention to staff in you have the RoletoMention set up. (See $SetRoleToMenntion)
  • MuteRepeatOffender (Default: true)
    when the mention spam filter ist triggered 3 times it will automatically mute the offender if the
    muted role is set up. (see $SetMutedRole)
  • DailyMessage (Default: true)
    This one is a fairly fun one. every day at 0:00am UTC S.A.I.L does backups and then changes it's avatar to one of 7, when this happens if turned on it will also send a message to the general channel if set up based on the avatar for that day.
  • RateLimiting (Default: false)
    Will Limit the amount of messages a user without Manage Messages permissions can send per 10 seconds.
    Setting the rate limit is done Via $setRatelimit [Max per 10Secs].
  • ShitpostFiltering (Default: false)
    This one Simply locks Custom commands that have the Shitpost Tag on them to the Shitpost channel this is useful for stopping unwanted custom commands from seeping out into channels like general. (See EditCC)
  • CompEntries (Default: false)
    This one just toggles wether or not users can use $EnterComp
  • CompEntries (Default: false)
    This one just toggles wether or not users can use $Vote

$Module (Module Type)

  • Comp (Default: false)
    Will allow access to the Competition Type commands.
  • Chars (Default: true)
    Will allow access to the Character Type commands.
  • Servers (Default: true)
    Will allow access to the Servers Type commands.
  • Roles (Default: true)
    Will allow access to the Roles Type commands.
  • CC (Default: true)
    Will allow access to the CC Type commands.
  • UserInfo (Default: true)
    Will allow access to The UserInfo/SetGender/SetQuote commands.
  • ModMute (Default: true)
    Allows Anyone With Manage Messages to mute users lower on the hirachey than them via the $Mute command. (enables/disables the $mute command)

ChannelHere (Channel Type)

  • General
    This channel is where Daily Messages will be sent and where Login Messages will be sent.
  • BotCommands
    If set up users can only run commands like $Role and $Modifier in there instead of globaly.
  • Admin
    Where The command $report will send its reports.
  • Info
    The channel you have set up for posting things like Rules and information, this if setup will
    allow you to auto generate an information channel. (see Update Info)
  • Servers
    This channel will lock users to be only able to run Server commands in there instead of globaly.
  • ServerLog
    This channel is where all command logging will go if GeneralLogging is turned on.
  • AdminLog
    This channel is where all command logging will go if AdminLogging is turned on.
  • Shitpost
    This channel is where commands with the Shitpost tag enabled on will get locked to
    if turned on instead of just globally. This channel will also auto assign Shitpost locks to commands created in it.

Other Admin commands

$SetRoleToMention [Role Name]

This command will allow you to set up the role that will be mentioned anytime a user tries to bypass the Blacklist or tries to mention more than 8 people at a time.
Note: Role must have Allow anyone to mention this role Enabled in its role perms.

$SetMutedRole [Role Name]

This command tells S.A.I.L what role to give those that abuse mentioning more than one user in a message.

$TrustedRole +/-/add/del [Role name]

This command lets you set up trusted roles