1.2 Lists, attributes and directives - VVJS/intro GitHub Wiki

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We can see that the items property in our data object is an array. In the HTML markup, we are looping over this array in the v-list-tile element with the v-for directive. The syntax is pretty simple:

v-for="(item, i) in items"

The index, i here isn't necessary in our case, since we don't need to access the index of the item being listed. We could also write:

v-for="item in items"

This will loop over all of the items in our data method in the side nav. There are two problems: We only have one item in the array at the moment, and it doesn't link to anything. Let's change the list up a bit. Let's update the items property so that it includes a url:

items: [
        icon: 'list',
        title: 'List',
        url: '/'

And we can attach our url to the nav by adding a :to binding to the repeating nav element like this:

<v-list-tile :to="item.url" v-for="(item, i) in items" :key="i">

And it should now be a clickable link. Note that this is an attribute from Vuetify, not from Vue itself. Typically you would add a :href attribute to an a tag to add in a link. You might notice there is also a :key attribute. It is highly recommended that we add a key binding for performance reasons. You can find the documentation on lists and loops here.


The moustaches cannot be used inside html attributes, so instead we have to use the v-bind directive. v-bind is simply a way to pass dynamic data into an attribute. The syntax is either v-bind:name or :name for short. This is how we have bound the key directive to the index on our v-list-title element.


You can learn more about attributes here.


Directives are special attributes that begin with 'v-', such as v-for or v-model. Another one would be v-if which is a conditional. On our v-toolbar-side-icon element we can see another directive, that looks like this @click.stop="drawer = !drawer":

<v-toolbar-side-icon @click.stop="drawer = !drawer"></v-toolbar-side-icon>

'@' is a shortcut for the v-on directive, which is an event handler - so instead of v-on:click= you can just type @click=. The .stop after the @click simply tells the event to stop propagation. So, You can learn more about directives here and events here.

On to the next one.