File Properties - VTAstrobotics/Documentation GitHub Wiki

Objective: Explain the use of file properties for storing important information.



File properties can be used to attach important information to cad files. These properties can be displayed in drawing tables and title blocks, and exported to excel.

Properties Template

We will use this file properties template to standardize properties and make it easier to view file properties. The template shows up in the SOLIDWORKS task bar (the annoying thing that you can never get to go away) as shown below. The properties tab for a part can be accessed with that part open or from an assembly containing that part by clicking on that part.



You can type properties in each field or use the drop down. Use the drop down whenever possible for consistency. If you find you're manually inputting the same thing repeatedly you can modify the template to include it in the drop down.

Always put a "-" for properties you wish to leave blank this helps with formatting and consistency.


Put the first 8 characters of the file name here (see ID# in File Naming.) Make sure this matches the file name or you won't be able to find your file based on a bill of materials.


Put the description from the file name here (see Description in File Naming.) Make sure this matches the file name or you won't be able to find your file based on a bill of materials.


Input what manufacturing method(s) is required to make a custom part. This will help for planning what parts need longer lead times and creating To-Do lists. You don't need to put anything if it only requires basic hand tools, but anything that requires, machine shop access, lots of time, or expertise should be listed.


For any part that is custom made specify the material. Also take the time to assign the material in SOLIDWORKS; this will save you or someone else time trying to figure out how much your subsystem weighs. The drop down list has materials that we commonly use and often have on hand so they are good choices. If you need to use a different material consider listing a supplier and stock# for where appropriate stock can be bought.

Pro Tip It is always a good idea to consider the stock a part will be made from. Don't design a .377" plate and make some one mill down 7/16" stock, just make it 3/8" in the first place. Also stock with exotic dimensions might also be expensive and take longer to ship. Any subteam that goes over budget is a disgrace and their subteam lead should be relegated to writing wikis like a loser.


If the part is purchased list who sells it. If someone puts your input in google the supplier's website should be the first result.


This should be the part number or order text someone needs to find the information about this product or purchase it. If someone searches your input in the suppliers website this product should come up.


Put the per unit cost of any purchased part. Estimate the per unit cost for things ordered in bulk. The cost is not required for custom made parts, but feel free to estimate the cost of the stock to make it. This doesn't need to be an exact cost it is just to give someone a general idea.


Put whatever here. Instructions for making the part. Special descriptions of how to buy it. Whatever. Keep in mind it get's put in the drawing title block so don't write an essay.

Drawings and BOM

All these custom properties can be put into drawing and table templates.

Bill of Materials (BOM):


Title Block:


Propaganda Look how nice that looks. Very clean and professional. We should always use drawings whenever possible to make Jack happy.

Customizing the Properties Tab

CAD documentation images

CAD documentation images (1)

This will open this properties tab builder


From here you can create your own properties tab template or edit the existing template by opening that template (I recommend the second option). Then save the template to the file where SOLIDWORKS looks for custom properties template.

Things to keep in mind

  • SOLIDWORKS requires a template for each file type (parts, assemblies, drawings, etc.) Make sure when you make an update you make each template match.
  • Tell someone (subteam lead or someone in leadership) when you change the template. This way we can send out an updated template that matches your change so everyone is on the same page.
  • You might need to force the file properties tab to update. Do this by selecting "none" from the file properties template drop down (in the second picture) click "ok" then go back and select your template from the dropdown.
  • Honestly this is an annoying process. Feel free to DIY, but if it's getting frustrating reach out for help or just request that the template gets updated by leadership.

More About File Properties

You can see and edit all the file properties by selecting "file properties" under the file tab image


The properties template is setup to apply custom properties to all configurations, but different properties can be assigned for different configurations. Other properties like mass are linked directly to the model.


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