Common Electrical Terms & Components - VTAstrobotics/Documentation GitHub Wiki

Basic Terms: Resistance - How much a material resists the flow of current through it

Capacitance - How much a material resists chance of voltage across it

Inductance - How much a material resists chance of current through it

Filter - A capacitor/or inductor in series or parallel with a resistor to allow signals of only certain frequencies to pass.

Part Name Input Output Purpose Example link
Buck Converter Higher Voltage Lower Voltage To efficiently convert to a lower voltage
Boost Converter Lower Voltage Higher Voltage To convert to a higher voltage
Quartz Timer Power Time Pulses To act as a timer for a microcontroller
Linear Actuator Power Movement An electric motor that pushes in a line
Motor Controller Power Instructions to a motor To enable easier control of a motor
Op Amp Input signal Output Signal To do almost any kind of signal manipulation with other tools
Optocoupler Signal Isolated version of that signal To help isolate data lines from their source
Transceiver One type of information A different type of information To transform information into something usable by a different component REPLACE