Dashboard - VR-Tracker/Master-Control GitHub Wiki
The dashboard is the page where you will find all the information of the system:
Software version
The software version of each element of the system, so that you can now if your system is up-to-date. By clicking on the "Check updates" button, you will be redirected to our website on a specific page describing how which are the latest version and what are the latest features added.
General Information
You will be able to see if have successfully connected to the Gateway. It will display a green bar when connected.
If the connection has failed, you will be able to click on help, to be redirect to our FAQ
You have also the information on how many devices you have currently connected to the gateway
The Different network elements
You should be able to see all the devices connected to the system, the different cameras, the tags, and the users On each part, you can see more details of each component.
You will see all the different cameras connected to the gateway, and more details information on each camera.
On each camera, you will find the follow information:
- The MAC address of the device
- The IP address of the device
- The current software version
- The calibration state, true means it's calibrated, and false that is need to be calibrated
- The activation state, true means it's activated and the information provided to the gateway will be taken into account, and false the gateway won't take into account its data. You can use this state, to discard a camera that seems to be badly calibrated.
- The position, it will help you identify where this camera is.
When you click on a camera, you will see the corresponding case turning yellow.
The camera should also display a yellow light, if it's not currently tracking a tag. The red light on the camera means that it is currently tracking something. If you have no tag turned on, it means that your cameras are currently seeing interference.
When the camera is selected, you should see the Camera Settings displayed as below
The Camera Settings is composed of two parts. On the left side, you have a canvas, that will display snapshots of what the camera is currently seeing. To do so, you have to click on the Take a Snapshot on the right side. On the right side, you have different options that you can modify to updates the camera's settings:
- The Activation button, will help you disable the camera, if you find need to, when having a camera not correctly calibrated for example.
- The Detection Settings, are what will adjust the camera to have the optimal detection:
- Sensitivity, is a value between 0 and 255, used to adjust the level of detection for your camera
- Min Blob size, is a value between 0 and 200, used to select the minimum size of blob, it will help you to remove interference.
- Max Blob size, is a value between 10 and 2000, used to select the maximum size of blob, it will help you to adjust the minimal distance you want from the cameras.
- Gain, is a value between 0 and 100, used to adjust the sensibility of the camera.
- Exposure , is a value between 0 and 100, used to adjust the sensibility of the camera, you should set this value with the gain while capturing some snapshots. What you aim to get is a black image on the snapshot.
And you have two buttons, one for taking a snapshot, and the other one to save the settings that you have set for the camera. Don't forget to save the settings for the camera, otherwise you will lose them.
The Tag is the element that the cameras track, you will be able to see different information on each tag in this section. You need to calibrate the new version of the Tags, check the follow link to see how to calibrate them
On each Tag you will be able to retrieve the following information:
- Mac address, which is the unique ID of each Tag
- Battery level, to inform you when you need to change the Tag battery or to recharge it
- orientation, informs you if the orientation is currently activated on the Tag. It is used only for Tag V1
- status, informs you of the current tracking state of the Tag
- #users, indicates the number of user the Tag is associated to
- version, displays the current version of the Tag
The "Get Orientation" button, is used for the second version of the Tag, you can get the current orientation on the yaw axis, and save it for the offset. For Tag V2, the drift is corrected by itself. All you have to do is set a general room offset between your axis chosen during the calibration, and the magnetic north.
The User represent a device that will receive the position of a Tag. You will be able to see it ID and the different tags that are currently assigned to him.
The Boundaries
You can set the limit of the user area, by simply updating the value in the bottom of this page and save it. It will automatically resize the boundaries in the Unity Plugin