ICP5 - VINEETHREDDYSHERI/WebMobile-2021Fall GitHub Wiki
Welcome to In-class Programming Assignment-5
Objective: Getting to know about the Angular framework and also elements of the Angular like components, string interpolation, property binding, event, and two-way data binding, NgModules, and directives
1. To-do application:
Source Code: https://github.com/UMKC-APL-WebMobileProgramming/ICP5-VINEETHREDDYSHERI/tree/main/Source/TodoList
Developed the Todo List UI as per the given mockup design. An input TextField to provide the Todo taskName and on click of button the task will be added with status as pending. The tasks can be deleted and also can be moved from completed to pending or pending to completed status.
TypeScript File
CSS File
Added New Todo Task
Deleted one of the task
2. Countdown Timer:
Source Code: https://github.com/UMKC-APL-WebMobileProgramming/ICP5-VINEETHREDDYSHERI/tree/main/Source/CountdownTimer
Developed the Countdown Timer UI as per the given mockup design. An input TextField and dataTimeField to provide the eventName and dateTime respectively and on click of button the event will be added. The countdown Timer for each event is displaying on the UI.
TypeScript File
CSS File
Added Event
Added second Event
VideoLink: https://youtu.be/h14D0zc_OvM
In these ICP5, I learned about the Angular framework which helps in developing the single page application. The SPA will reload only part of the screen that is affected due to new data, instead of default mode of reloading the entire page.