Roadmap and WIP - VICamaraPrg/NewMath GitHub Wiki
On the next 1.1 update we will be focusing on sorting algorithms, and those will be:
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Merge sort
- Quicksort
- Shellsort
- Heapsort
As well as implement 3 more arithmetic methods:
- Fibonacci (Not the sequence as it is already released in 1.0, just the Fibonacci number given an index).
- AreAmicableNumbers (Given 2 numbers, tell if those are amicable, (If the sum of the divisors of 'A' are equal to 'B' and viceversa)).
Revision of 1.0.6 release. Add testing environments for Fraction class and Utils class. And probably the first implementation on some sorting algorithms.