WG: Working with the SIRI submodule - VDVde/OJP GitHub Wiki

I worked with git for Desktop and it created a big mess, when using the new submodule for siri.

To get a local copy, I had to:

  • reclone the repository with "git for Desktop"
  • You need a local git installed as well: https://gitforwindows.org/
  • Don't change branch it git for Desktop!!!
  • in git do: git checkout upsteam_siri_v1.1 (or the branch that you need)
  • remove the siri subdirectory
  • git init
  • git ls-files --stage siri
  • git rm --cached siri
  • git submodule add https://github.com/SIRI-CEN/SIRI siri (perhaps this can be omitted now, that the difference SIRI to siri is gone.
  • git submodule update siri

Helpful links: