To modify a fork, so that it can save directly into your PC but without edits (only if you are using the Colab) - VBPXKSMI/Wiki-Test GitHub Wiki

from story.utils import *
import json
import uuid
from subprocess import Popen
import subprocess
import os

class Story():

    def __init__(self, story_start, context ="", seed=None, game_state=None, upload_story=False):
        self.story_start = story_start
        self.context = context
        self.rating = -1
        self.upload_story = upload_story

        # list of actions. First action is the prompt length should always equal that of story blocks
        self.actions = []

        # list of story blocks first story block follows prompt and is intro story
        self.results = []

        # Only needed in constrained/cached version
        self.seed = seed
        self.choices = []
        self.possible_action_results = None
        self.uuid = None

        if game_state is None:
            game_state = dict()
        self.game_state = game_state
        self.memory = 20

    def __del__(self):
        if self.upload_story:
            console_print("Game saved.")
            console_print("To load the game, type 'load' and enter the following ID: " + self.uuid)

    def init_from_dict(self, story_dict):
        self.story_start = story_dict["story_start"]
        self.seed = story_dict["seed"]
        self.actions = story_dict["actions"]
        self.results = story_dict["results"]
        self.choices = story_dict["choices"]
        self.possible_action_results = story_dict["possible_action_results"]
        self.game_state = story_dict["game_state"]
        self.context = story_dict["context"]
        self.uuid = story_dict["uuid"]

        if "rating" in story_dict.keys():
            self.rating = story_dict["rating"]
            self.rating = -1

    def initialize_from_json(self, json_string):
        story_dict = json.loads(json_string)

    def add_to_story(self, action, story_block):

    def latest_result(self):

        mem_ind = self.memory
        if len(self.results) < 2:
            latest_result = self.story_start
            latest_result = self.context
        while mem_ind > 0:

            if len(self.results) >= mem_ind:
                latest_result += (self.actions[-mem_ind] + self.results[-mem_ind])

            mem_ind -= 1

        return latest_result

    def __str__(self):
        story_list = [self.story_start]
        for i in range(len(self.results)):
            story_list.append("\n" + self.actions[i] + "\n")
            story_list.append("\n" + self.results[i])

        return "".join(story_list)

    def to_json(self):
        story_dict = {}
        story_dict["story_start"] = self.story_start
        story_dict["seed"] = self.seed
        story_dict["actions"] = self.actions
        story_dict["results"] = self.results
        story_dict["choices"] = self.choices
        story_dict["possible_action_results"] = self.possible_action_results
        story_dict["game_state"] = self.game_state
        story_dict["context"] = self.context
        story_dict["uuid"] = self.uuid
        story_dict["rating"] = self.rating

        return json.dumps(story_dict)

    def save_to_local(self, save_name):
        self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
        story_json = self.to_json()
        file_name = "AIDungeonSave_" + save_name + ".json"
        f = open(file_name, "w")

    def load_from_local(self, save_name):
        file_name = "AIDungeonSave_" + save_name + ".json"
        print("Save ID that can be used to load game is: ", self.uuid)

        with open(file_name, 'r') as fp:
            game = json.load(fp)

    def save_to_storage(self):
        self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())

        story_json = self.to_json()
        file_name = "stories\story" + str(self.uuid) + ".json"
        f = open(file_name, "w")
        return self.uuid

    def load_from_storage(self, story_id):

        file_name = "stories\story" + story_id + ".json"
        with open(file_name, 'r') as fp:
         game = json.load(fp)
        return str(self)

class StoryManager():

    def __init__(self, generator):
        self.generator = generator
        self.story = None
    def start_new_story(self, story_prompt, context="", game_state=None, upload_story=False):
        block = self.generator.generate(context + story_prompt)
        block = cut_trailing_sentence(block)
        self.story = Story(context + story_prompt + block, context=context, game_state=game_state, upload_story=upload_story)
        return self.story
    def load_story(self, story, from_json=False):
        if from_json:
            self.story = Story("")
            self.story = story
        return str(story)

    def json_story(self):
        return self.story.to_json()

    def story_context(self):
        return self.story.latest_result()

class UnconstrainedStoryManager(StoryManager):

    def act(self, action_choice):

        result = self.generate_result(action_choice)
        self.story.add_to_story(action_choice, result)
        return result

    def generate_result(self, action):
        block = self.generator.generate(self.story_context() + action)
        return block

class ConstrainedStoryManager(StoryManager):

    def __init__(self, generator, action_verbs_key="classic"):
        self.action_phrases = get_action_verbs(action_verbs_key)
        self.cache = False
        self.cacher = None
        self.seed = None

    def enable_caching(self, credentials_file=None, seed=0, bucket_name="dungeon-cache"):
        self.cache = True
        self.cacher = Cacher(credentials_file, bucket_name)
        self.seed = seed

    def start_new_story(self, story_prompt, context="", game_state=None):
        if self.cache:
            return self.start_new_story_cache(story_prompt, game_state=game_state)
            return super().start_new_story(story_prompt, context=context, game_state=game_state)

    def start_new_story_generate(self, story_prompt, game_state=None):
        super().start_new_story(story_prompt, game_state=game_state)
        self.story.possible_action_results = self.get_action_results()
        return self.story.story_start

    def start_new_story_cache(self, story_prompt, game_state=None):

        response = self.cacher.retrieve_from_cache(self.seed, [], "story")
        if response is not None:
            story_start = story_prompt + response
            self.story = Story(story_start, seed=self.seed)
            self.story.possible_action_results = self.get_action_results()
            story_start = self.start_new_story_generate(story_prompt, game_state=game_state)
            self.story.seed = self.seed
            self.cacher.cache_file(self.seed, [], story_start, "story")

        return story_start

    def load_story(self, story, from_json=False):
        story_string = super().load_story(story, from_json=from_json)
        return story_string

    def get_possible_actions(self):
        if self.story.possible_action_results is None:
            self.story.possible_action_results = self.get_action_results()

        return [action_result[0] for action_result in self.story.possible_action_results]

    def act(self, action_choice_str):

            action_choice = int(action_choice_str)
            print("Error invalid choice.")
            return None, None

        if action_choice < 0 or action_choice >= len(self.action_phrases):
            print("Error invalid choice.")
            return None, None

        action, result = self.story.possible_action_results[action_choice]
        self.story.add_to_story(action, result)
        self.story.possible_action_results = self.get_action_results()
        return result, self.get_possible_actions()

    def get_action_results(self):
        if self.cache:
            return self.get_action_results_cache()
            return self.get_action_results_generate()

    def get_action_results_generate(self):
        action_results = [self.generate_action_result(self.story_context(), phrase) for phrase in self.action_phrases]
        return action_results

    def get_action_results_cache(self):
        response = self.cacher.retrieve_from_cache(self.story.seed, self.story.choices, "choices")

        if response is not None:
            print("Retrieved from cache")
            return json.loads(response)
            print("Didn't receive from cache")
            action_results = self.get_action_results_generate()
            response = json.dumps(action_results)
            self.cacher.cache_file(self.story.seed, self.story.choices, response, "choices")
            return action_results

    def generate_action_result(self, prompt, phrase, options=None):

        action_result = phrase + " " + self.generator.generate(prompt + " " + phrase, options)
        action, result = split_first_sentence(action_result)
        return action, result