Easy guide on how to fully screencap your stories - VBPXKSMI/Wiki-Test GitHub Wiki
This guide assumes you are going to use Google Chrome.
The steps should be similar if you use another browser but this is untested and results are not guaranteed.
This works with both the Colab (online) and Local (offline) versions.
Steps to easily and fastly screencap your stories, with no image cropping crap involved:
1) First you will need to install a couple of extensions on Chrome:
- An extension of your choice that lets you screencap the entire page in which you are located. I found that this one "Full Page Screen Capture", works really nice.
- An extension of your choice that turns your browser into dark mode. I found that this one "Dark Mode", works really well.
- (ALTERNATIVE METHOD) Go to chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark and flip the switch to 'Enabled'. Beware that with this method you will have to restart your browser each time you want to switch between modes.
Be SURE that the extensions installed have the necessary permissions enabled, by going to: chrome://extensions/ ==> Extension Details ==> "Allow Access to File URLs"
2) Now use the "/print" command (without the quotes and in lower case), whether you are using the online or offline version. It will give you a bunch of text. Copy said text into Notepad++ (or any text editor) and save it as "whatever-name.txt".
ATTENTION: There is a bug in the unmodded AI Dungeon 2 version (both online and offline) that makes the printed text have double "you"s each time you entered a "you" at the beggining of your action. This has to do with the program autofilling a "you" at the beggining of each action. The modded versions don't have this problem.
There are 3 solutions to this problem:
- Use a modded version (easy solution).
- You will have to manually copy the text directly from the program (no printing) and add that to the text editor.
- You will have to manually delete each extra "you"s with the text editor after printing.
- There could be one more possible solution (but I'm not sure at all if this is related, nor if this works, please report on this if you know) and that is using the “Print” Command Fix.
3) Edit the ".txt" file, deleting whatever you don't want to be shown in your screncap. DON'T BE A NIGGER by adding shit that wasn't in your story in the first place. Believe me, people can tell when and if something feels forced. Changing or deleting names is allowed if you are so concerned about that (like the NTRed Lilly Anon).
4) Drop that saved ".txt" on Google Chrome, it should open it in a new tab without problems.
5) Activate whatever "Dark Mode Extension" you installed. Or use the alternative method.
6) Activate whatever "Full Page Screencap Extension" you installed, and download your screencap with whatever name you wanna give to the file.
7) Deactivate whatever "Dark Mode Extension" you installed. Or, if you used the alternative method, flip the switch to 'Dissabled' and restart Chrome.
8) Congratulations, now you can post your story to the thread, and you didn't even have to spent time image cropping shit.