Autosave Addon (Plus other tweaks) - VBPXKSMI/Wiki-Test GitHub Wiki
A guide on how to: Modify the game to write the save files to your computer and add an autosave feature (Plus other tweaks). [Offline users only]
First, familiarize yourself with the following two sections of the code. I'll need to refer to them frequently
[help texts]
Begins with:
def instructions():
This is what gets printed when you type 'help'. Not essential but probably still a good idea to modify.
[command block]
The section starting with
if action == "restart":
rating = input("Please rate the story quality from 1-10: ")
rating_float = float(rating)
story_manager.story.rating = rating_float
this is the section that handles the actual input command logics.
To add autosaving to local directory:
In your AIDungeon directory, create a new directory named "saves"
Open "./story/" and add
import copy
to the top of the file.
Then replace:
def save_to_storage(self):
self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
story_json = self.to_json()
file_name = "story" + str(self.uuid) + ".json"
f = open(file_name, "w")
FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
p = Popen(['gsutil', 'cp', file_name, 'gs://aidungeonstories'], stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
return self.uuid
def load_from_storage(self, story_id):
file_name = "story" + story_id + ".json"
cmd = "gsutil cp gs://aidungeonstories/" + file_name + " ."
exists = os.path.isfile(file_name)
if exists:
with open(file_name, 'r') as fp:
game = json.load(fp)
return str(self)
return "Error save not found."
def save_to_storage(self, overwrite=False):
ref = self if overwrite else copy.copy(self)
if overwrite == False:
ref.uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
story_json = ref.to_json()
file_name = "saves\\" + str(ref.uuid) + ".json"
f = open(file_name, "w")
return ref.uuid
def load_from_storage(self, story_id):
file_name = "saves\\" + story_id + ".json"
with open(file_name, 'r') as fp:
game = json.load(fp)
return str(self)
Then replace:
def load_new_story(self, story_id):
file_name = "story" + story_id + ".json"
cmd = "gsutil cp gs://aidungeonstories/" + file_name + " ."
exists = os.path.isfile(file_name)
if exists:
with open(file_name, 'r') as fp:
game = json.load(fp)
self.story = Story("")
return str(self.story)
return "Error: save not found."
def load_new_story(self, story_id):
file_name = "saves\\" + story_id + ".json"
with open(file_name, 'r') as fp:
game = json.load(fp)
self.story = Story("")
return str(self.story)
In "./", go to the [help texts] section and add
text += '\n "autosave" Toggle autosave on and off. Default is off'
In [command block], replace the following:
elif action == "save": if upload_story: id = story_manager.story.save_to_storage() console_print("Game saved.") console_print("To load the game, type 'load' and enter the following ID: " + id) else: console_print("Saving has been turned off. Cannot save.")
elif action == "autosave":
autosave = not autosave
console_print("Autosaving is now turned " + ("on" if autosave else "off"))
elif action == "save":
if upload_story:
print("Save to new file, or overwrite the current file?")
print("0) Save as new\n1) Save to current file\n")
choice = get_num_options(2)
id = story_manager.story.save_to_storage(overwrite=(choice == 1))
console_print("Game saved.")
"To load the game, type 'load' and enter the following ID: "
+ id
console_print("Saving has been turned off. Cannot save.")
Below the line:
upload_story = True
autosave = False
while True: if story_manager.story != None: del story_manager.story
add in
if autosave:
Change 'temperature' and 'top_k' while in progress !! Warning: Requires a lot of RAM, make sure you have ~6GB of free memory !!
In [help texts], add
text += '\n "settemp" Changes the generator temperature' text += '\n "settopk" Changes the generator top_k'
In [command block] add in
elif action == "settemp": temp = float(input("Set a new temperature\n> ")) story_manager.generator = GPT2Generator(temperature=temp, top_k=top_k) elif action == "settopk": top_k = int(input("Set a new top_k\n>")) story_manager.generator = GPT2Generator(temperature=temp, top_k=top_k)
Change 'memory' while in progress, this is how much of the current story you want to feed to the generator
In [help texts], add
text += '\n "setmem"
Changes the memory value. Default is 20, try lowering it if your game crashes after playing for a while'
In [command block] add
elif action == "setmem": new_mem = input("Enter a new memory value\n> ") story_manager.story.memory = int(new_mem)
Print out the current settings
In [help texts]
text += '\n "showsetting" Display current settings and generator parameters'
In [command block]
elif action == "showsetting": text = "nosaving is set to: " + str(not upload_story) text += "\nautosave is set to: " + str(autosave) text += "\nmemory is set to: " + str(story_manager.story.memory) text += "\ntemperature is set to: " + str(temp) text += "\ntop_k is set to: " + str(top_k) print(text)
(English is not my primary language and this is my first time writing a guide, so if you feel that any part of this document is confusing or poorly worded, feel free to rewrite it and redistribute your own version).