1.0 Useful info for having a good time and not bitching about the AI - VBPXKSMI/Wiki-Test GitHub Wiki
1.0 Useful info for having a good time and not bitching about the AI
The AI has a limited memory. For a given session it will only keep in mind the original prompt, and the twenty most recent prompts. This means that to tell a longer story with continuity, you must use detail heavy prompts reiterating what has happened in the story so far. For example, instead of short empty commands like: go to [location], you should prefer something like: Travel along the beaten dirt path with my two adventuring friends [name1] and [name2] to the castle [castleName]
It is probably best practice to write in second person, use lots of details and description, describe small events, like: remove her panties before looking her in the eyes, instead of: fuck her
Essentially, for better results, you should use the AI as a collaborative story telling tool and work with it by entering commands that match actual second person story text, rather than treating this like a conventional video game. If things start breaking down or repeating over and over, use revert to get back before the problem and try rewording your inputs. When the AI seems to leave off waiting for you to input the speech of another character, you can do so, or hit enter, or continue, or type in listen to make the AI come up with speech or force the story along. It has more trouble dealing with who is saying what in a conversation unless you follow this advice and really make things clear. Instead of using: say "speech" or ask "speech", you can instead just use a command like: order the men to do [something], or: ask the girl to leave the orcs alone; without any quotations.
Even with all the above in mind, the AI just has a very hard time with speech. You can choose to play it safe and completely avoid speech sections to avoid a lot of issues.
If you want to make things more challenging for yourself, or generally spice things up, use words like Try, and Attempt before you describe yourself doing something.
Another useful technique for playing longer stories out is to play until you reach a breakdown point, like looping or crashing, write up a summary prompt of everything important that happened, as well as describing the characters, and start a new game using it. You can treat these as chapters.
Instead of asking something like, "Where is the castle?" type something like, try to remember where the castle is.
Here are some examples of good input:
>open the heavy wooden door
>look over the [character/object]'s appearance
>attempt to convince the man to let you pass through the steel gate
>try to dodge the hostile ogres sweeping ax swings
>tell [name] that you want them to hand over their golden robe
>ask [character] if they would be willing to serve you
>order your army to close distance with the horde of enemy spearmen
and so on
Hopefully this advice will prevent people who read it from shitting up the threads with the same few questions (not likely lol).