[MySQL] 01_RegularExpression - UzanR/UzCodingNewLife GitHub Wiki

Basic Syntax

Select column_list From table_name Where string_column REGEXP pattern;


  • [^] matches the position at the beginning of the searched string
  • [$] matches the position at the end of the searched string
  • [.] matches any single character
  • matches any character specified inside the square brackets
  • ^… matches any character not specified inside the square brackets
  • [p1|p2] matches any of the patterns p1 or p2
  • [*] matches the preceding character zero or more times
  • [+] matches preceding character one or more times
  • [{n}] matches n number of instances of the preceding character
  • [{m,n}] matches from m to n number of instances of the preceding character

Like Operator

Basic syntax

expression LIKE pattern ESCAPE escape_character

Wildcard character

Find name start with a

Select first_name from employees where firstname LIKE 'a%';

Find name start with T, end with m

Select first_name from employees where firstname LIKE 'T_m';