Getting started - Utrum/start-oot-cli GitHub Wiki

We can use curl to communicate with the daemon, for example:

curl --url <rpcuser>:<rpcpassword>@ --data '{"method": "getinfo"}'

As we can see, the output is a json string. We can parse it with jq (install it if missing):

curl -s --url <rpcuser>:<rpcpassword>@ --data '{"method": "getinfo"}' | jq


  "result": {
    "version": 1001550,
    "protocolversion": 170003,
    "KMDversion": "0.1.1",
    "notarized": 106378,
    "prevMoMheight": 106378,
    "notarizedhash": "00236cc39e7a0c6183db780d359dad7d617df69d0ac6f80d765bb9a28f42483e",
    "notarizedtxid": "303dc8c3ac3b9635b372111a1205d8e91fda5f1efd2d66f4f264c669864cedf8",
    "notarizedtxid_height": "mempool",
    "KMDnotarized_height": 0,
    "notarized_confirms": 0,
    "walletversion": 60000,
    "balance": 0.7897083,
    "blocks": 106393,
    "longestchain": 106393,
    "timeoffset": 0,
    "tiptime": 1530949334,
    "connections": 8,
    "proxy": "",
    "difficulty": 14.13687150837989,
    "testnet": false,
    "keypoololdest": 1528258304,
    "keypoolsize": 101,
    "paytxfee": 0,
    "relayfee": 1e-06,
    "errors": "",
    "notaryid": 22,
    "pubkey": "033f316114d903770cd420f14f662ab2db50497fc1d9348f6172df44c389a2667a",
    "name": "OOT",
    "p2pport": 12466,
    "rpcport": 12467,
    "magic": -1387570265,
    "premine": 216000000
  "error": null,
  "id": null

There is a complete list of available API calls that we can use:

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