eng_type_fagomraade - Utdanningsdirektoratet/KL06-LK20-public GitHub Wiki

1. fagomraade (subject-area@eng)


Grouping of training subjects into subject content categories hierarchical under subject categories (see fagkategori) for statistical use..

Occurrences of this Grep-type: See json-array.

Properties, fagkategori
Property Type Description Multiplicity
id UUID Unique identifier for the subject area 1
kode (code@eng) String Lokally unique identifier for the subject area 1
url-data URI Unique URL-based link to detailed information about the subject area 1
tittel (title@eng) Array of language versioned text@nob Title of the subject area 1..*
grep-type URI Specifies the type to be "fagomraade" (subject area@eng) 1
status URI Indicates whether the subject code is "publisert" (published@eng) or "utgått" ("expired"@eng) 1
sist-endret (last-modified@eng) Timestamp@nob Indicates when last changes were made to the data basis for the subject area 1
fagkategori (subject category@eng) Array of reference objects Reference to objects (of the Grep type fagkategori (subject-category@eng)) which hierarchically indicates an overarching subject category 0..*
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