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Smart Columbus OS TWG Technology Team Kickoff
October 18, 2018
Attendees: Dean Allemang, Tammy Chellis, Johnson Denen, Vince DiMascio, Brian King, Chris McClellan, Monica McJunkin, Scott Merrill, Phil Norman, Jim Perry, Adam Sauer, Bill Schwanitz, Sharon Wilhelm
Regrets: Zach Mears, Mihail Chirita
Today's objectives
meet each other
review the terms of our engagement as TWG members
collectively set our objectives and the measurable results that tie to those objectives
Agree on TWG facilitators' and members' roles and duties
agree on dates that work for most of us for the rest of our meetings
What is the TWG?
Framing the TWG in the broader Smart Columbus context
We are a volunteer group dedicated to supporting Smart Columbus. We are contributing to a foundational component known as the Operating System, which is the data backbone for Smart Columbus.
This is Segment 3. In this Segment we are focused on the use of Open Source in the OS.
There are four Working Groups: policy, data, productization, and technology. We are the Technology Group. The Policy group is running in parallel with us and the other two groups are dormant during this segment.
Working Group Objectives
Defining audience and customer
Brian K noted that TWG recommendations directly inform the OS roadmap
We should include in our recommendations estimated new resource loads for the OS team to consider/budget (e.g., staff for managing Open Source campaign)
The OS team will shed light on the practical reality the OS team is dealing with today and anticipates to be dealing with in the future
Extended vision is that other cities pick will this up and individual cities would even own components of it, with accountability for future management/development of those components
The Smart Columbus Operating System team provided some initial specific categories, questions, and outcomes, which are set forth in the table below:
[Table: Segment 3 Objectives as provided by the Smart Columbus Team]
Category | Question | Outcome |
Licensing | Which should be used? | Recommendation on Open Source License(s) to use |
Downsides | What are risks and issues? | List of downsides with mitigation strategies |
Who might we model after? | At least 1 organization to recommend to use as a model | |
Community | How might we engage and manage | Examples of ways to keep community engaged |
How might we expand our sphere? | Examples of ways to expand contributor sphere |
many organizations do Open Source really well. This TWG should start by identifying such organizations that are appropriate exemplars for how the Operating System should operate
- Johnson noted that we should also find models of what not to do (e.g., AOSP / Android)
we probably need to accommodate more than one license recommendation, allowing for some variation in the situations encountered by the OS team. For example, while there may be a general desire to employ a permissive license, the OS team may choose to rely upon GNU GPL products that would require a strong copyleft license in the OS.
this TWG will differentiate between Free Software and Open Source software in its analysis.
Scott - why open source?
To build great secure products fast and with diverse perspectives
To enable reuse by other cities, per the City of Columbus OS charter
To make a better data discovery environment (e.g., adding social)
To make a better visualization env to serve people with many levels of technical and non-technical skills
To enable commercial app development for Columbus entrepreneurs and local economy
To build community for engagement and citizen ownership
The timeline for this segment is Oct 15 (Segment Kickoff) through Jan 30 ("Report out"). Taking holidays and vacations into account, we have 10-12 weeks.
Meetings during the Segment:
Technology TWG (this team meets every two weeks)
- Consider meeting virtually in the spirit of Open Source. Agreed that next meeting will be virtual
Monthly broader TWG meeting (i.e., this team and the Policy team)
Review of Roles: facilitator, member, Tammy
Workshop: writing the press release
- Agreed to work offline
Slack: channels are open
Dropbox: unanimous that Dropbox is not ideal. People prefer Google Docs/Sheets for collaboration or github wiki
Video conferencing: G-Suite Hangouts were not ideal for meeting with in-person and remote people. Try BlueJeans next
Would like to try github for async communications, project/task management, and document development. Need to clear that platform choice with Tammy and locate the repo in an appropriate place (in the custody and control of Smart Columbus).
Facilitators: create Doodle to determine availability to schedule next TWG meetings
Project plan -- Facilitators: schedule facilitator call to establish and document milestones; circulate to broader team with goal to flesh out by next meeting
Tammy: advise whether Github is viable collaboration platform for this TWG
Tammy: connect TWG with the people from whom to get scenarios / use cases
All: complete the Press Release
All: provide your availability for next meetings. Next meeting will be virtual
Facilitators: get and review the City of Columbus charter for Smart Columbus , to better understand the higher-level objectives, with special attention to the objectives specific to Open Source
- Do not refer to Smart Columbus Operating System as "SCOS". Use "the OS", the "Smart Columbus OS", "the Smart Columbus Operating System", or "the Operating System".