Branching Strategy - UpTalent/.github GitHub Wiki

Chosen strategy - Git flow

We have main and dev branches. All feature branches must be merged into dev branch!!! Only the release should merge into the main branch!!!

Working process:

Step 1

  • Option 1

    • 👯 Clone front-end or back-end repo to your local machine using git clone
  • Option 2

    • Create new feature branch from develop branch using: git checkout -b issue_4_feature_name

Step 2

  • 💅🏼 Add new files and make commits to your feature branch using: git add ., git commit -m "commit message"

Step 3

  • 🐇 Push your feature branch to remote origin using: git push issue_4_feature_name

Step 4

  • If remote develop is ahead of your local branch download new commits using: git pull

Step 5

  • 🔃 Create a new pull request and asign at least 2 people to check your changes in order to merge it

Useful links about branch:

Github flow Git workflow

Commit styling

Pattern: <type>[(scope)][!]: <description>

  • Type — Of the many types of commits, the main types are feat and fix. But there are also build, chore, docs and others.
  1. feat (Feature) — Use when new functionality gets added to the application.
  2. fix (Fix) — Use when changes made by a commit fix errors in already existing parts of the application without changing its functionality.
  3. build (Build) — Use to make changes to the build system or external dependencies that are required for the application to work.
  4. chore (Chores) — Use when changes are not related to the operation of the application.
  5. ci (Continuous Integrations) — Use when changing the continuous integration configuration.
  6. docs (Documentation) — Use when changing the documentation, such as typo fixes, adding languages, etc.
  7. refactor (Refactoring) — Use when there are changes in the structure of the code that don't affect the functionality.
  8. revert (Reverts) — Use for a commit that reverts the previous changes that have been made by mistake or with some violations.
  9. style (Style) — Use for changes in the style of the code, without changing its structure (adding/deleting whitespace/newlines, etc.).
  10. test (Testing) — Use when changing the testing system like adding new tests or changing old ones.
  • Scope (optional) — Scope describes the part of code or documentation that is affected by the changes made by this commit. For example: api, parser, etc. Indicated in parentheses. You can identify multiple scopes that can be separated by ,, / and .
  • Exclamation mark (optional) — The exclamation mark is used to emphasize the importance of the commit.
  • Description — This part includes a short description of the changes made. The description length is usually one brief sentence.

fix: /users api endpoint error fix feat(api): add /documents endpoint

Branch names

<type>(feature/fix)-Task №-short task name

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