Robocluster discussion - UofSSpaceTeam/robocluster GitHub Wiki

  • -Purpose of robocluster is to facilitate communications between device

  • Device: <br>

    • bullet-inherits the looper module

    • Task, Every(task, <duration>)

    • set up as declarations for functions

      • >util.[i’s “as_coroutine”

    • self.create_task(task) → the function is now a coroutine

      • >self.tasks gains task if _running_tasks[] is None

        • >aka, if start() (which is at the bottom of every rover_process) has not ran yet

          • >questions:

  • -when (if ever) would you run start a second time?

  • -context sharing?

    • -after defining all tasks for a device…

    • -self.start()

      • -if already started; do nothing <br>

      • -else, loop through tasks in _tasks, put through _coro_wrapper which async calls them w/ “Await”, then puts them through _create_task which calls create_task(coro), adding the initiated coroutine (aka task) to the event loop, which should allow the tasks to begin executing.

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