Getting started - UnosquareBelfast/AdminCore GitHub Wiki
- download and install postgres admin tool
- configure user with username 'postgres' and password 'Pass.word1'.
- Create database called 'HrManager' in postgres admin tool.
Running Code
- Clone code.
- Download and install postman
- Download and install docker
- Download maven
- Follow maven installation steps
- Open command prompt and CD into your project directory: Run command mvn flyway:baseline then run command mvn flyway:migrate. Check your postgres database and ensure that flyway successfully configured your database.
- Deploy code. This can either be done using spring-boot run command or by following steps in the 'docker read me.txt'.
- When code is deployed you can view the API documentation by calling the URL http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui.html.
- Due to authentication setup only the authentication controller calls can be executed in swagger UI.
- To test other controllers install postman and use swaggerUi as a reference to know what paramters have to be passed in
- Use JWT token generated as a header when making API calls in postman http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui.html#!/authentication-controller/authenticateUserUsingPOST.
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