3rd Party Components & Libraries - UnosquareBelfast/AdminCore GitHub Wiki
We use several 3rd party components and libraries to bring together the app. These are the most notable that you may want to research if you're coming on to this project.
- lodash: Helps you with working with data. When using this, only import what you need (see existing uses in-app).
- moment: Makes working with dates easy. Almost.
- moment-range: Extends moment with some extra functionality.
- axios: Aids in fetching data. Nice extras and composability come along with this.
- styled-components: We use this for styling our components in a component-like way.
- react-big-calendar: We use this for the main dashboard calendar. You will want to be familiar with its API.
- react-table: We use this for rendering tables in our app. Comes with a lot of freebies like filtering, pagination, etc.
- sweetalert2: Pop ups, toasts, all nicely animated. Note: There's other similarly named libraries with similar APIs. Careful not to get confused.