Universal XML Scraper fatal error! (err_SystemList) - Universal-Rom-Tools/Universal-XML-Scraper GitHub Wiki

What "Universal XML Scraper fatal error! (err_SystemList)" Mean ?

For the safety of UXS, the systemlist is the reference API request to be sure you don't have problem. (If UXS can't download it, so you can't scrape.)

If you have this error :

  • Check your antivirus or firewall (UXS need to have an access to internet).
  • Check you write autorisation (or Try to launch UXS in Admin).
  • Don't put UXS exe directly on a root folder (it's seems it can have problem in this case)
  • Check if http://www.screenscraper.fr/ is UP.
  • Check your disk space.
  • Try again some time later.