ISO Scrape Freeze or are very long - Universal-Rom-Tools/Universal-XML-Scraper GitHub Wiki

Scraping big files from the network can lead to some problems.

I need to calculate some hash on these files, and with a network connexion (it's worst in wifi) it "temporary" copies the file locally so it seems to freeze (but in fact it's just very long to calculate).

There are several solutions to that :
1- Scrape you big files locally ;)

2- In the scrape mode select "filename" instead of "CRC+filename" (The problem is it's far less precise... and you can, sometimes, don't find a good match) -> WARNING : your ISO filename must match a referenced ISO filename, not the game name

3- Use the "Experimental function" in the general options. Check the box and put the "root path" from your PI (look at the example). So UXS will ask your PI to calculate the MD5 Hash (the fastest one) and send him back in SSH... It's faster for big files, but slower for smaller files.