[EXEMPLE] Some Element Line and the result - Universal-Rom-Tools/Universal-XML-Scraper GitHub Wiki

Some Exemple :

The final Mix will be in 800x800

This is the standard Picture :
(gg.png = 600x320)

text alternatif

Exemple 1 :
(gg.png = 800x800)

text alternatif

Exemple 2 :
(gg.png = 400x213)

text alternatif

Exemple 3 :
(gg.png = 228x220)

text alternatif

Exemple 4 :
(gg.png = 400x750)

text alternatif

Exemple 5 :
'GG1-TEMP|fixe|gg.png|path:image|%1|%1|CENTER|CENTER' -> First Layer
'GG2-TEMP|fixeMAX|gg.png|path:image|400|400|LEFT|UP' -> Second Layer
'GG2Trans-TEMP|Trans:0.90||path:image' -> Transparancy on the Second Layer
'GG3Fus-TEMP|Fus||path:image' -> Merging the 1st and 2nd Layer
'GG3Cut-TEMP|Cut||path:image|130|90|120|40' ->Cuting the New merged Layer
'GG4-TEMP|fixe|gg.png|path:image|400||RIGHT|CENTER|ROTATION|3' -> Third Layer
'GG4Trans-TEMP|Trans:0.85||path:image' -> Transparancy on the Third Layer
'GG4Cut-TEMP|Cut||path:image|160|220|470|290' -> Cuting the Third Layer

text alternatif