Weston Personal Log - UnityViveProject/Unity-Project GitHub Wiki
Week 2- I've joined the Unity Vive Project. I joined the group on GitHub and Slack.
Imported SteamVR into Unity.
I created a terrain in Unity. Using a stock assets I applied texture to the terrain, placed trees, grass and water. There was something wrong with the water shader, it was showing up as pink. Messed around in the shader, and managed to get it to render the right color but water is not animated and has strange clipping around edges.
Inserted a first person controller into project since I couldn't test the SteamVR assets without the Vive. Applied a navmesh to the terrain and put some stock enemies in the project. I set them to target the player controller, so they would follow around the player.
Created a script so that in the player walked off the terrain and fell below a certain point they would be sent to one of a few random spawn points I placed on the map.
Met with group in room 241. We got the SteamVR plugin working inside Unity. We placed it inside the terrain I created in Unity. It worked well but the textures and stock assets looked terrible in VR.
We decided on a sword fighting game and talked about design. One potential problem we talked about was how to handle colliding swords, since we would need to prevent the player from swinging there sword through and enemy sword.
Discussed the interview with the client. We came up with a set of questions to ask. Andy and Seth are planning on meeting with him tonight but I am unable to make it to the first meeting.
Week 3- Created a persona page and description page in the wiki.
Now have enemies that approach the player. Deleted all the grass in the environment to improve performance.
Replaced one of the Vive controllers model with a sword from and asset store.
Week 4- Replaced mesh collider on sword with box collider so that it would run smoother.
Created a enemy model and added the AI script to it. Made a script to delete enemies when the come in contact with the sword.
Created enemy spawner which can spawn enemies targeted at the player. Created a script to delete the player object when an enemy collides with it. This is just a stand to simulate a losing game.
Progression Report
a)See above
b)I created an enemy model in Blender and imported it into Unity. I then attached a AI control script to it and set the enemy to target the player.
c)We want to create a death screen with the ability to restart.
d)Create death screen.
Week 5 Added sword model made by Seth. Created a main menu screen and death screen. Added a button to hit with the sword that will allow you to move between scenes and close the game. We added to the spawner script so now it will spawn enemies continuously.
Progression Report- b. I added to the spawner script to make it spawn enemies at intervals. I fixed a problem with the enemies off sliding off terrain. Added terrain, campfire, and skybox to main menu.
c. Add to AI script. Get enemies to stop and attack. Add animations
d. Work on attack animation and trigger hit box.
Week 6 Personal Log Created a new enemy model that because the previous one had too many polygons and was hurting performance. Made a run and die animation in Blender and imported them into Unity. Dog enemies now teleport to side once the get a certain distance away. Tried to implement a death animation but was unable to get it to trigger.
Progression Report a. see above
b. I created a new version of the enemy model. I started to learn rigging and animation in Blender. I make skeleton for the enemy model. I created a run and die animation. I imported the new model into Unity and animation. I set the run animation to loop continuously. Created a script to get the death animation to play but was unable to get it working.
c. We would like to create new enemy types and implement a shield for the second controller.
d. I'm going to look into simplifying to AI controller. Start working on new enemy type.
Week 6 Personal Log Created a new spawner that this pick random points on the map spawn enemies as long as they are a certain distance from the player. Created a new scene. Had problems with the new spawning enemies under terrain. So replaced it with a spawner that will choose a point randomly from a list of positions. Implemented a new fly enemy. Created a model and animations from the flying enemy.