Allen Personal Log. - UnityViveProject/Unity-Project GitHub Wiki
1/39 - 2/3
- All other team members have used Vive
- Had meeting on Thursday the 2nd to discuss possible implementations
- Looked through SteamVR library / plugin documentation for Unity engine
- Updated repository, deleted Fall 2016 data and updated with new 3D unity environment
2/6 - 2/10
- Met with other team members in 241 to finalize implementation idea.
- Incorporated VR functionality into Unity test area with surprising amount of success.
- Interviewed potential client about the project
- Met with other team members in 241 to go over design images with other team members
- Added Sword model and colliders to both player object and sword. NPC characters now stop when hitting the player collider and can be moved around with the sword collider.
- Started coding scripts in C# to allow sword to be "equipped" via a trigger press, and to delete enemy objects when they contact the sword collider. Neither script finished as of 2/18.
- Completed delete enemy script and implemented, sword now able to "defeat" enemies.
- Created "Enemy-Spawner" object that will create a set number of enemies upon game start.
- Continued writing "equip weapon" script. Still requires bug testing before it can be implemented.
- Met with other team members in 241 to better tweak enemy AI, no longer has to have a target manually set, but automatically tracks player when Enemy is created.
- Worked with other team members to fine tune and bug fix the Enemy-Spawner.
- Worked with other team members to create a preliminary failure state. Currently deletes player object when an enemy collides with player collider (Not sword collider). Should fix soon, currently very disorienting.
- Fixed enemy spawner functionality, will now spawn enemies every few seconds rather than only once upon scene initialization.
- Added rudimentary "Score" system, currently player is unable to see current score, score increments upon every run of the "Kill Enemy" script.
- Added in intro area and respawn area, with touch activated buttons.
- Began work on more advanced enemy AI that can "teleport" (translate enemy X and Y coordinates in relation to players X coordinate). Currently unpredictable, will require more testing and logic fixing.
- Downloaded "skeleton enemy" model from Unity asset store, hope to replace current "Ethan" model once animations are mapped.
- Finished and implemented "Teleport Enemy" script, translates X position when enemy gets within certain distance of player.
- Added shield object from Unity asset store to left controller.
- Made edits to collider to sizes to more accurately fit models.
- Brainstormed ideas for more enemy types, developed pseudo-code.
- Fixed shield collider, now blocks enemies.
- Added in flying enemies, will have to add actual enemy model
- Added sound effects to enemy NPC's, some placeholder sounds
- Textured enemy models with default texture
--Progression Report--
A. Fixed shield object to block enemies, created new game scene, added in flying enemy with placeholder model, implemented sound effects for enemy NPC's. Added script to change function location, textured enemy NPC's
B. I fixed the shield object, added sound effects to enemies, and textured the enemies
C. Finish implementing the scoring system, Finish the "dying" enemy animation,
D. I will be working primarily on the scoring system.