data privacy - Unity-Technologies/unity-ads GitHub Wiki

/* Title: Data privacy Description: Information on data privacy compliance Sort: 5 */

Privacy classes

The following object classes contain the requesting app’s COPPA compliance flag, GDPR compliance flag, CCPA compliance flag, and user consent flag.

In order to ingest and act on bid requests based on the user’s GDPR, COPPA, CCPA, and user consent status, Unified Auction provides updated OpenRTB specs to reflect the related changes to the bid request fields:

regs objects and extensions

An object class containing the requesting app’s COPPA, GDPR, and CCPA compliance flags.

Attribute Type Example Description
regs.coppa int
"regs": {
  "coppa": 1
Flag indicating if the bid request is subject to the COPPA regulations established by the USA FTC.

  • 0 indicates no.
  • 1 indicates yes. This attribute is always passed when set to 1.
regs.ext.gdpr int
"regs": {
  "ext": {
    "gdpr": 1
Flag indicating if the request is subject to GDPR. This flag is always passed when applicable to affected regions.
regs.ext.us_privacy string
"regs": {
  "ext": {
Flag indicating consent for requests subject to CCPA regulations. The string format must adhere to the IAB's U.S. privacy string spec.

This attribute is always passed when applicable to affected regions.
regs.ext.lgpd string
"regs": {
  "ext": {
    "lgpd": true}
Upon confirming opt-out from a LGPD-affected user, the request structure for that user’s device sends a flag in the regs.ext.lgpd object with the integer value true. Unity also strips all personally identifiable information (IDFA, AAID, IP address, etc.) from the request.

This attribute is always passed when applicable to affected regions. For more information on the spec, please reach out to your Unity account manager.

user object extension

An object class containing the requesting app’s user consent flag for data collection.

Attribute Type Example Description
user.ext.consent string
"user": {
  "ext": {
    "consent": "1"
Flag indicating if the end user has consented to data collection.

  • "0" indicates no. The device id will be changed to all zeroes. The IP will be masked.
  • "1" indicates yes.

Endpoint deletion for user opt-out

In order to continue receiving requests for users subject to GDPR, Unity requires readiness compliance from partners to handle opt-out/deletion requests via an endpoint. Unity also must confirm receipt through a 200 OK message (see section on Protocol, below).

Upon receiving an opt-out/deletion request, the partner must complete deletion of said user’s data that was received from Unity Ads. This removal should affect all systems and subsystems within the partner’s ecosystem. Please note that your Data Processing Addendum will require this compliance measure.


The opt-out deletion request protocol is described as follows:

  • Unity and the partner communicate through HTTPs, and therefore the partner must set up an accessible HTTPs endpoint.
  • Unity sends opt-out/deletion requests in HTTP POST requests.
  • The POST body follows this structure:

      "id": "xxx", // version 1 uuid identifies the request
      "idfa": "xxxxxx", // IDFA of the user
      "opt-out": true, // boolean flag indicating the user opt out
      "ts": "1524785925" // unix timestamp
  • A 200 HTTP status code response indicates that the partner has received the request and will delete the user data with the provided IDFA.
  • If the partner has not yet seen the IDFA, they should still respond with a 200 HTTP status code to acknowledge receipt of the message and intent to delete data.
  • If Unity receives a non-200 HTTP status code, it will retry the request until it receives acknowledgement.
  • Any long-term failure to return a 200 HTTP status code will result in the partner’s designation as non-compliant, at which point Unity will discontinue transmitting any data subject to GDPR.

Any non-compliance with this requirement will result in the partner not receiving any traffic subject to GDPR. Exceptions from partners using the endpoint solution will only be made on a case-by-case basis.

Example of expressed consent

    "user": { 
        "ext": { 
            "consent": "1" 
    "regs": { 
        "ext": { 
            "gdpr": 1 

Example of user opt-out

    "user": { 
        "ext": { 
            "consent": "0" 
    "regs": { 
        "ext": { 
            "gdpr": 1,

iOS 14 support

Please see this guide for guidance regarding the upcoming iOS 14 release.

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