bid requests - Unity-Technologies/unity-ads GitHub Wiki

/* Title: Bid requests Description: Specifications for Unified Auction exchange integration Sort: 3 */


When Unity receives an ad request, Unified Auction sends a bid request to all potential bidders, including data utilized for personalized ads in cases where the user does not restrict its use (see documentation on data privacy).

Note: Your endpoint must support HTTPS protocol in order to receive bid requests.

Unity supports JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) formats for bid request data. The mime type for the standard JSON representation is application/json and specified in an HTTP header field as:

contentType: application/json

Unity sends Accept-Encoding gzip compression in the request, and highly recommends compressing the response. For more information, see section 2.4 Data Encoding in the OpenRTB API guide.

Note: Unity passes each of the following bid response attributes when available, unless otherwise noted in the description column.

request objects

An object class that describes a bid request.

Attribute Type Example Description
id string "id": "bcaIDT1Nbv0zU8mn9tXQ6j" A Unity-generated ID. This ID must be returned in the Bid Response object.
imp object For more information, see section on impression objects. Unity supports one impression object per bid request.
pmp object For more information, see section on pmp objects. Private marketplace container for direct deals between buyers and sellers that may pertain to the impression. The actual deals are represented as a collection of deal objects.
app object For more information, see section on app objects. The app object describing the game.
device object For more information, see section on device objects. The device object describing the user's device.
user object For more information, see documentation on data privacy classes. An object representing the human user of the device, or audience of the ad.
at int "at": 2 The auction type used; all Unified Auctions are second-price auctions, so the value is always 2.
tmax int "tmax": 200 Timeout value in milliseconds.

Note: We suggest partners respond within 200 ms to avoid the network connection dropping.
bcat string array "bcat": ["IAB9-9", "IAB8"] Blocked advertiser categories, using IAB taxonomy IDs.

Note: This attribute is supported but optional.
badv string array "badv": [""] Blocked list of advertisers, using their domains.

Note: This attribute is supported but optional.
bapp string array A list of blocked applications by their platform-specific exchange independent application identifiers. On Android, these should be bundle or package names (for example, On iOS, these are numeric IDs.

Note: Please contact Unity if you would like this attribute passed.
source object For more information, see section on source objects. A source object that provides data about the inventory source and which entity makes the final decision.
regs object For more information, see documentation on data privacy classes. An object that specifies any industry, legal, or governmental regulations enforced for this request.

source objects

An object class that describes the nature and behavior of the entity that is the source of the bid request upstream from the exchange. The primary purpose of this object is to define post-auction or upstream decision-making when the exchange itself does not control the final decision. For more information, see the Object: source section of the OpenRTB guidelines.

Attribute Type Example Description
pchain string "pchain": "12abcd3456789:12345" A payment ID chain string containing embedded syntax described in the TAG Payment ID Protocol v1.0.
omidpn string "omidpn": "Unity3d" An identifier for the Open Measurement SDK integration. This is the same as the name parameter of the OMID Partner object. For more information, see documentation on OM extensions.
omidpv string "omidpv": "1.2.10" The version of the Open Measurement SDK integration. This is the same as the versionString parameter of the OMID Partner object. For more information, see documentation on OM extensions.

imp objects

An object class that describes an ad impression.

Attribute Type Example Description
banner object For more information, see section on banner objects. The banner object describes a banner display impression.

Note: This attribute is only passed for banner and display ads.
displaymanager string "displaymanager": "unity sdk" The name of the ad mediation partner, SDK technology, or player responsible for rendering the ad.
displaymanagerver string 3001 The version of the ad mediation partner, SDK technology, or player responsible for rendering the ad.
id string "id": "1" Unity supports one impression object per bid request; the id value is always 1.
instl int "instl": 1 Banner ad requests have a value of 0; all other Placements are interstitials, with a value of 1. For more information, see documentation on Placements.
secure int "secure": 1 Unity requires impressions to have secure HTTPS URL creative assets and markup; the value is always 1.
tagid string "tagid": "15939-video" Unity passes <appID>-<adType> as the identifier.
video object For more information, see section on video objects. The video object describes a video impression.

Note: This attribute is always passed for video ads only.

video objects

A subset of the impression object class that describes a video ad impression. For more information, see section 3.2.7 Object: Video in the OpenRTB API guide.

Attribute Type Example Description
api int array "api": [7] Supported API frameworks for this impression. A value of 7 signifies Open Measurement support. For more information, see documentation on OM extensions.
battr int array "battr": [ 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13] Blocked creative attributes. For a complete list of supported values, see table 5.3 Creative Attributes in the OpenRTB API guide.

Note: Unity’s policy is to block the following by default:

  • [1] Audio Ad (auto-play)
  • [3] Expandable (automatic)
  • [5] Expandable (user initiated - rollover)
  • [6] In-Banner video ad (auto-play)
  • [8] Pop (e.g., Over, Under, or Upon Exit)
  • [9] Provocative or Suggestive Imagery
  • [13] User Interactive (e.g. embedded games)
h int "h": 600 Height of the video player in device independent pixels (DIPS).
maxduration int "maxduration": 30 Maximum video ad duration in seconds; this value is always 30.
mimes string array "Mimes": ["video/mp4"] Content mime types supported; this value is currently always ["video/mp4"].
minduration int "minduration": 5 Minimum video ad duration in seconds; this value is always 5.
pos int "pos": 7 Video position; Unity Ads inventory is always set to full screen (7). For a complete list of supported values, see table 5.4 Video Position in the OpenRTB API guide.
protocols int array "protocols": [2, 3, 5, 6] Array of supported video protocols. For a complete list of supported values, see table 5.8 Protocols in the OpenRTB API guide.

Note: Unity fully supports VAST 2.0 (2) and VAST 2.0 Wrapper (5), and may support some features of VAST 3.0 (3) and VAST 3.0 Wrapper (6). Please check with your account manager for details.
w int "w": 1024 Width of the video player in device independent pixels (DIPS).

banner objects

A subset of the impression object class that describes a banner ad impression. For more information, see section 3.2.6 Object: Banner in the OpenRTB API guide.

Attribute Type Example Description
api int array "api": [5] API frameworks supported by the publisher; Unity supports MRAID 2.0 (5). For a complete list of supported values, see table 5.6 API Frameworks in the OpenRTB API guide.
battr int array "battr": [ 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9] Blocked creative attributes. For a complete list of supported values, see table 5.3 Creative Attributes in the OpenRTB API guide.

Note: Unity’s policy is to block the following by default:

  • [1] Audio Ad (auto-play)
  • [3] Expandable (automatic)
  • [5] Expandable (user initiated - rollover)
  • [6] In-Banner video ad (auto-play)
  • [8] Pop (e.g., Over, Under, or Upon Exit)
  • [9] Provocative or Suggestive Imagery
format object array "format": [{"w": 728, "h": 90}] Array of format objects representing the banner and display sizes supported.

Banner creative format supported sizes:

  • 320x50
  • 468x60
  • 728x90
Display creative format supported sizes:

  • 250x300
  • 300x250
  • 320x480
  • 1024x768
Note: The imp.banner object is only passed for banner and display requests. If no format is specified, the dimensions default to the imp.banner.h and and imp.banner.w values. If no banner format is specified, the dimensions default to the h and w values. If you have questions about supporting different dimensions, please contact Unity.
h int "h": 320 Height of the banner display in device independent pixels (DIPS).
pos int "pos": 7 Ad position. For a complete list of supported values, see table 5.4 Ad Position in the OpenRTB API guide.
w int "w": 480 Width of the banner display in device independent pixels (DIPS).

pmp objects

An object class that describes private marketplace attributes for direct deals between buyers and sellers that may pertain to the impression. For more information, see section 3.2.11 Object: Pmp in the OpenRTB API guide.

Attribute Type Example Description
deals object array For more information, see section on deal objects. An array of deal objects that convey the specific deals applicable to this impression.
private_auction int "private_auction": 0 Indicator of auction eligibility to seats named in the deal objects:

  • 0 (default; all bids are accepted)
  • 1 (bids are restricted to the deals specified and the terms therein)

deal objects

An object class that describes a specific deal that was established a priori between a buyer and seller. Its presence indicates that the impression is available under the terms of that deal. For more information, see section 3.2.12 Object: Deal in the OpenRTB API guide.

Attribute Type Example Description
at int "at": 3 Optional override of the auction type of the bid request:

  • 1 (first price)
  • 2 (second price plus)
  • 3 (the value passed in bidfloor is the agreed upon deal price).
id string "id": "abcdef12345" A unique identifier for the direct deal.
wadomain string array "wadomain": ["", ""] Array of advertiser domains allowed to bid on this deal. Omission implies no advertiser restrictions.

app objects

An object class that describes the app making the ad request. For more information, see section 3.2.14 Object: App in the OpenRTB API guide.

Attribute Type Example Description
bundle string Google example:

"bundle": ""

Apple example:

Application bundle or package name, intended to be unique across exchanges.

  • Android apps pass the Bundle ID.
  • iOS apps pass the Bundle ID or Store ID.
Note: This attribute may not be passed in circumstances where contractual agreements with the publisher prohibit it.
id string "id": "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0123456789abc" Exchange-specific application ID.
name string "name": "Trash Dash" App name.

Note: This attribute may not be passed in circumstances where contractual agreements with the publisher prohibit it.
publisher object "publisher": "ExamplePublisher" An exchange-specific publisher ID.
storeurl string "storeurl": "" App store URL for an installed app (for QAG 1.5 compliance).

Note: This attribute is supported but optional.

device objects

An object class that describes the end user’s device. For more information, see section 3.2.18 Object: Device in the OpenRTB API guide.

Attribute Type Example Description
connectiontype int "connectiontype": 1 Network connection type. For a complete list of supported values, see table 5.22 Connection Type in the OpenRTB API guide. Note that the spec is not yet updated with connectiontype:7 which means Cellular Network – 5G

Note: This attribute is supported but optional.
devicetype int "devicetype": 4 The general type of device. For a complete list of supported values, see table 5.21 Device Type in the OpenRTB API guide.

Please note that separation between phone and tablet was introduced in in OpenRTB version 2.2:

  • 1 indicates a Mobile or Tablet device.
  • 4 specifies a phone.
  • 5 specifies a tablet.
To enforce precision, Unity uses 4 and 5 whenever possible. When mixed device types do occur, please choose one or the other.
geo object For more information, see section on geo objects. Location of the device (assumed to be the user’s current location).
hwv string "hwv": "samsung SM-J200H" Hardware version of the device.
ifa string "ifa": "ab12c456-78de-90f1-ghi2-j3kl4567890m" The Android Advertising ID (AID) or iOS Identifier for Advertisers (IFA/IDFA) sanctioned for advertiser use in the clear (not hashed).

Note: This field is cleared where required by COPPA or GDPR compliance.
ip string "ip": "" Device IP address.

Note: This field is masked where required by COPPA or GDPR compliance.
language string "language": "en" Browser language, using ISO-639-1-alpha-2 codes.
lmt int "lmt": 0 "Limit Ad Tracking" signal commercially endorsed (e.g., iOS or Android).

  • 0 indicates tracking is unrestricted.
  • 1 indicates tracking must be limited per commercial guidelines. This attribute is always passed when set to 1.
make string "make": "Apple" Device make.
model string "model": "iPhone7,2" Device model.
os string "os": "ios" Device operating system.
osv string "osv": "3.1.2" Device operating system version.
ua string "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14A345" Web browser user agent string.

Example bid requests

VAST bid request

    "id": "bcaIDT1Nbv0zU8mn9tXQ6j", 
    "at": 2, 
    "tmax": 200, 
    "source": {
        "pchain": "12abcd3456789:12345"
        "omidpn": "Unity3d",
        "omidpv": "1.2.10"
    "imp": [{ 
        "id": "1", 
        "secure": 1, 
        "instl": 1, 
        "tagid": "15939-video", 
        "video": { 
            "mimes": [
            "minduration": 15, 
            "maxduration": 30, 
            "protocols": [2, 3, 5, 6], 
            "pos": 7, 
            "battr": [1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13], 
            "w": 1024, 
            "h": 600,
            "api": [7] 
    "app": { 
        "id": "1", 
        "bundle": "", 
        "name": "Unity Mobile Game", 
        "storeurl": "" 
    "device": { 
        "ifa": "ab12c456-78de-90f1-ghi2-j3kl4567890m", 
        "make": "Apple", 
        "model": "iPhone", 
        "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14A345", 
        "os": "ios", 
        "ip": "", 
        "devicetype": 4, 
        "carrier": "Apple", 
        "osv": "10.1", 
        "hwv": "iphone6", 
        "geo": { 
            "lat": 55.5492, 
            "lon": 59.0456, 
            "country": "USA", 
            "city": "San Francisco", 
            "type": 2, 
            "utcoffset": 180 
        "connectiontype": 3, 
        "language": "en", 
        "h": 1184, 
        "w": 768 
    "regs": { 
        "coppa": 0 
    "ext": {} 

MRAID (playable) bid request

    "id": "abcIDT1Def0zU8mn9gHI6j", 
    "source": {
        "pchain": "12abcd3456789:12345"
    "imp": [{ 
        "id": "1", 
     	"banner": { 
    	    "w": 1024, 
       	    "h": 768, 
       	    "battr": [1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9], 
       	    "pos": 7, 
       	    "api": [5] 
    	"instl": 1, 
    	"tagid": "com.unity-game.trashdash-m3-ios-display", 
    	"secure": 1 
    "app": { 
        "id": "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0123456789abc", 
        "name": "Example Game", 
        "bundle": "com.unity.examplegame", 
        "storeurl": "" 
    "device": { 
        "ifa": "ab12c456-78de-90f1-ghi2-j3kl4567890m", 
   	"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 11_2_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.4.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15C202", 
   	"geo": { 
     	    "lat": 55.5492, 
     	    "lon": 59.0456, 
     	    "country": "USA", 
     	    "city": "San Francisco", 
     	    "type": 2, 
     	    "utcoffset": 180 
   	"ip": "", 
   	"devicetype": 5, 
   	"model": "iPad5,3", 
   	"os": "ios", 
   	"osv": "11.2.2", 
   	"hwv": "iPad Air 2 (Wi-Fi)", 
   	"h": 768, 
   	"w": 1024, 
   	"language": "en", 
   	"connectiontype": 2 
    "at": 2, 
    "tmax": 200, 
    "regs": {}, 
    "ext": {} 

MRAID (non-playable) bid request

    "id": "ApJv9QAmN3FJjEcTtFDtW3", 
    "imp": [{ 
	"id": "1", 
    	"banner": { 
       	    "w": 480, 
       	    "h": 320, 
       	    "battr": [1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13], 
       	    "pos": 7 
     	"instl": 1, 
     	"tagid": "com.pixel.gun3d-display", 
     	"secure": 1 
    "app": { 
    	"id": "1", 
    	"bundle": "", 
    	"name": "Unity Mobile Game", 
    	"storeurl": "" 
    "device": { 
        "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1.1; SM-J200H Build/LMY48B; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/64.0.3282.137 Mobile Safari/537.36", 
   	"geo": { 
     	    "lat": 55.5492, 
     	    "lon": 59.0456, 
     	    "country": "USA", 
     	    "city": "San Francisco", 
     	    "type": 2, 
     	    "utcoffset": 180 
	"source": {
     	    "pchain": "12abcd3456789:12345"
	"ip": "", 
  	"devicetype": 4, 
   	"make": "samsung", 
   	"model": "SM-J200H", 
   	"os": "android", 
   	"osv": "5.1", 
   	"hwv": "samsung SM-J200H", 
   	"h": 540, 
   	"w": 960, 
   	"language": "ru", 
   	"carrier": "Tele2", 
   	"connectiontype": 2, 
   	"ifa": "dd92e219-68ae-43b9-bcb7-e6fb7557806e" 
    "at": 2, 
    "tmax": 200, 
    "regs": {}, 
    "ext": {} 

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Appendix: IAB category mapping

This table shows official IAB content categories and their RTB IDs, which are passed in therequest.bcat (blocked categories) bid request field. It also maps each IAB category to the content category publishers can filter from Unity’s Developer Dashboard.

Unity category IAB category RTB ID
Alcoholic Beverages Cocktails/Beer IAB8-5
Alcoholic Beverages Tobacco IAB9-9
Alcoholic Beverages Wine IAB8-18
Contests And Shopping Couponing IAB22-2
Contests And Shopping Shopping IAB22
Contests And Shopping Contests & Freebies IAB22-1
Dating And Social Media Dating IAB14-1
Dating And Social Media Weddings IAB14-7
Dating And Social Media Marriage IAB14-4
Food Dining Out IAB8-9
Food Vegetarian IAB8-17
Food Chinese Cuisine IAB8-4
Food Coffee/Tea IAB8-6
Food Food Allergies IAB8-10
Food American Cuisine IAB8-1
Food Japanese Cuisine IAB8-14
Food Health/Lowfat Cooking IAB8-12
Food Italian Cuisine IAB8-13
Food Cajun/Creole IAB8-3
Food Food & Drink IAB8
Food Barbecues & Grilling IAB8-2
Food Cuisine-specific IAB8-7
Food Mexican Cuisine IAB8-15
Food French Cuisine IAB8-11
Food Vegan IAB8-16
Food Desserts & Baking IAB8-8
Health Fitness Apps Weight Loss IAB7-44
Health and Fitness Apps Exercise IAB7-1
Health and Fitness Apps Physical Therapy IAB7-36
Health and Medicine Pediatrics IAB7-35
Health and Medicine Panic/Anxiety IAB7-34
Health and Medicine Depression IAB7-18
Health and Medicine Bipolar Disorder IAB7-9
Health and Medicine Men's Health IAB7-31
Health and Medicine Psychology/Psychiatry IAB7-37
Health and Medicine Alternative Medicine IAB7-5
Health and Medicine Cholesterol IAB7-12
Health and Medicine Autism/Pdd IAB7-8
Health and Medicine Holistic Healing IAB7-26
Health and Medicine Smoking Cessation IAB7-41
Health and Medicine Herbs For Health IAB7-25
Health and Medicine Heart Disease IAB7-24
Health and Medicine Incontinence IAB7-29
Health and Medicine Gerd/Acid Reflux IAB7-22
Health and Medicine Cold & Flu IAB7-15
Health and Medicine Sleep Disorders IAB7-40
Health and Medicine Women's Health IAB7-45
Health and Medicine Dental Care IAB7-17
Health and Medicine Asthma IAB7-7
Health and Medicine Thyroid Disease IAB7-43
Health and Medicine Allergies IAB7-4
Health and Medicine Substance Abuse IAB7-42
Health and Medicine Panic/Anxiety Disorders IAB7-34
Health and Medicine Dermatology IAB7-19
Health and Medicine Sexuality IAB7-39
Health and Medicine Infertility IAB7-30
Health and Medicine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome IAB7-13
Health and Medicine Headaches/Migraines IAB7-23
Health and Medicine Ibs/Crohn's Disease IAB7-27
Health and Medicine Nutrition IAB7-32
Health and Medicine Diabetes IAB7-20
Health and Medicine Cancer IAB7-11
Health and Medicine Aids/Hiv IAB7-3
Health and Medicine Epilepsy IAB7-21
Health and Medicine A.D.D. IAB7-2
Health and Medicine Arthritis IAB7-6
Health and Medicine Orthopedics IAB7-33
Health and Medicine Chronic Pain IAB7-14
Health and Medicine Deafness IAB7-16
Health and Medicine Health & Fitness IAB7
Health and Medicine Brain Tumor IAB7-10
Law, Government, and Politics Legal Issues IAB11-2
Law, Government, and Politics Immigration IAB11-1
Law, Government, and Politics Politics IAB11-4
Law, Government, and Politics Law, Gov't & Politics IAB11
Lottery and Gambling Gambling IAB9-7
News and Weather International News IAB12-1
News and Weather Local News IAB12-3
News and Weather Weather IAB15-10
News and Weather National News IAB12-2
News and Weather News IAB12
Personal Finance Personal Finance IAB13
Personal Finance Financial News IAB13-3
Personal Finance Options IAB13-9
Personal Finance Retirement Planning IAB13-10
Personal Finance Credit/Debt & Loans IAB13-2
Personal Finance Hedge Fund IAB13-5
Personal Finance Tax Planning IAB13-12
Personal Finance Beginning Investing IAB13-1
Personal Finance Investing IAB13-7
Personal Finance Financial Planning IAB13-4
Personal Finance Stocks IAB13-11
Personal Finance Insurance IAB13-6
Personal Finance Mutual Funds IAB13-8
Religion and Spirituality Latter-day Saints IAB23-9
Religion and Spirituality Religion & Spirituality IAB23
Religion and Spirituality Catholicism IAB23-4
Religion and Spirituality Buddhism IAB23-3
Religion and Spirituality Pagan/Wiccan IAB23-10
Religion and Spirituality Atheism/Agnosticism IAB23-2
Religion and Spirituality Judaism IAB23-8
Religion and Spirituality Islam IAB23-7
Religion and Spirituality Hinduism IAB23-6
Religion and Spirituality Alternative Religions IAB23-1
Religion and Spirituality Christianity IAB23-5
3-d Graphics IAB19-1
Advertising IAB3-1
Africa IAB20-2
Apartments IAB21-1
Art/Technology IAB9-1
Arts & Crafts IAB9-2
Auto Repair IAB2-2
Beadwork IAB9-3
Boxing IAB17-5
Business IAB3
Business Travel IAB20-7
Cameras & Camcorders IAB19-5
Camping IAB20-9
Candle & Soap Making IAB9-6
Canoeing/Kayaking IAB17-6
Car Culture IAB2-4
Card Games IAB9-7
Career Advice IAB4-11
Careers IAB4
Caribbean IAB20-11
Cheerleading IAB17-7
Cigars IAB9-9
Climbing IAB17-8
Clothing IAB18-5
Clothing IAB18-5
Clothing IAB18-5
Clothing IAB18-5
Computer Networking IAB19-8
Convertible IAB2-6
Coupe IAB2-7
Crossover IAB2-8
Cruises IAB20-12
Databases IAB19-12
Divorce Support IAB14-2
Eldercare IAB6-9
Email IAB19-15
Entertaining IAB10-2
Europe IAB20-14
Education IAB5
Family & Parenting IAB6
Financial Aid IAB4-3
France IAB20-15
Freelance Writing IAB9-13
Genealogy IAB9-14
Geology IAB15-4
Getting Published IAB9-15
Greece IAB20-16
Green Solutions IAB3-8
Guitar IAB9-16
Hatchback IAB2-11
Home Theater IAB10-6
Home Video/Dvd IAB19-17
Honeymoons/Getaways IAB20-17
Horse Racing IAB17-16
Humor IAB1-4
Inline Skating IAB17-19
Interior Decorating IAB10-7
Italy IAB20-19
Japan IAB20-20
Jewelry Making IAB9-19
Job Fairs IAB4-4
Job Search IAB4-5
Language Learning IAB5-8
Large Animals IAB16-5
Marketing IAB3-11
Mexico & Central America IAB20-21
Minivan IAB2-14
Mountain Biking IAB17-21
Music IAB1-6
Nascar Racing IAB17-22
Olympics IAB17-23
Parenting Teens IAB6-6
Performance Vehicles IAB2-17
Power & Motorcycles IAB17-25
Real Estate IAB21
Running/Jogging IAB17-30
Scholarships IAB4-8
Screenwriting IAB9-28
Sedan IAB2-20
Shareware/Freeware IAB19-30
Stamps & Coins IAB9-29
Surfing/Bodyboarding IAB17-37
Table Tennis/Ping-pong IAB17-39
Telecommuting IAB4-9
Television IAB1-7
Tennis IAB17-40
Theme Parks IAB20-25
Veterinary Medicine IAB16-7
Visual Basic IAB19-32
Volleyball IAB17-41
Wagon IAB2-23
Walking IAB17-42
Waterski/Wakeboard IAB17-43

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