Query Examples - Unity-Technologies/com.unity.search.extensions GitHub Wiki
Project queries
Find all textures bigger than 4K
p: t=Texture width>=<$number:4096,64,8192$>
Find all Materials using X shader
p: t=Material shader=Assets/Personal/ElliottC/Shaders/PBR_StandardSand.shadergraph
Find all Materials using X Texture
p: t=Material ref=Assets/Personal/Bondhan/Shaders/3DNoise_T.psd
Find all my scenes
p: t=SceneAsset
Find assets with tags having X
p: tag=MainCamera
Find all Assets referencing a specific prefab
p: ref="Assets/Prefabs/Crystal.prefab"
Find all Scenes using specific prefab
p: t:scene ref="Assets/Prefabs/Crystal.prefab"
Show me all prefab variants
p: prefab:variant
Show me all assets used in selected prefab
p: ref=”Assets/LEGO/Prefabs/LEGO Models/Buildings/Fence.prefab”
Find all scene objects with missing scripts
p: missing:scripts scene="Assets/Scenes/Test/SampleScene.unity"
Find all prefab objects with missing scripts
p: missing:scripts from=prefab
Scene Queries
Find all mesh in scene bigger than X poly/vertices
h: t=MeshFilter vertices>4096
h: t=MeshFilter faces>1024
Find all Renderers using X Material
h: t=MeshRenderer ref="Assets/Art/Environment/Materials/Architect/M_Metal01.mat"
Find all Cameras with X set to X
h: t:Camera #fieldofview>70
Find objects on a layer having properties
h: t:Light #m_layer=5 #m_Intensity>0.5
Find all mesh renderers in scene where contribute to GI = true
h: t:MeshRenderer #StaticShadowCaster=True
Find objects by layer / tag
h: tag=Player layer=9
Find all sprites drawn 9-slice style
h: t:SpriteRenderer #DrawMode=Sliced
Find all sprites drawn as normal sprite
h: t:SpriteRenderer -#DrawMode=Sliced
Find all GameObjects referencing a specific prefab
h: t:SpriteRenderer ref="Assets/Prefabs/Crystal.prefab"
Give me all meshes that has no LOD and the triangle count is larger than 2000
h: -t:LODGroup t:MeshRenderer vertices>2000
Give me the position and radius of all the lights that casts shadows
h: t:Light #m_Shadows.m_Type=Soft
Find all shadow casting light with a diameter bigger than 5m
h: t:Light #m_ShadowRadius<0.3
Find all objects lower than the ground
h: #m_LocalPosition<(,0,)
h: y<0
Find all mesh with more than 20 faces in the current scene
h: faces>1000
Get Playable Director
Show me all assets used in selected prefab
h: ref=”Assets/LEGO/Prefabs/LEGO Models/Buildings/Fence.prefab”