Setup Command List - United-Programming/UPBot GitHub Wiki


setup list


This command will just show a short version of the full configuration of the bot for this Discord Guild.


Setup list for Discord Server United Programming
AdminRoles: Mod, Server Booster
TrackingChannel: no tracking channel defined
Ping: Everybody
WhoIs: OnlyAdmins
Mass Delete: not defined (disabled by default)
Games: Everybody
Code Refactor: OnlyAdmins
Timezones: not defined (disabled by default)
Unity Docs: not defined (disabled by default)
Spam Protection: not defined (disabled by default)
Stats: not defined (disabled by default)
BannedWords: not defined (disabled by default)
Scores: not defined (disabled by default)
Tags: not defined (disabled by default)
Emoji for role: enabled 💯 A useless role for debugging
Emoji for role List: Everybody

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️