Discord Gateway Intents - UnionRolistes/Bot-Roles GitHub Wiki

Discord made a blog post about which can be found here

Privileged intents and what they mean for you

❯ Which intents are privileged, which do I need?

  • GUILD_MEMBERS | guildMemberAdd, guildMemberRemove, guildMemberUpdate
  • GUILD_PRESENCES | presenceUpdate, knowledge about peoples activities and client status
  • If your bot does not need this information to provide its functionality, please do not request it.

❯ How can I do things without these events?

  • Try to design your commands so they do not require this information
  • Fetch member data by ID as you need it .members.fetch("id")
  • You have GUILD_MEMBERS: consider fetching members periodically, for the initial operation on boot you can consider using the client option fetchAllMembers (note: this will heavily increase memory usage)

❯ A) Your bot is verified

  • You need to reach out to discord support R3 in order for intents to be enabled
  • Please include a use case sample as to why you need that intent into your request
  • Read R1, it explains the whole procedure and requirements

❯ B) Your bot is not verified

  • You can switch the intent toggles in the developer dashboard's "bot" section R2
  • You should still consider designing your commands to not require privileged intents where ever possible

❯ Symptoms you might be experiencing right now:

  • member caches are empty (or only have very few entries) (This is what happend at this bot)
  • user cache is empty (or has only very few entries)
  • fetching members times out
  • all members appear to be offline
  • login times out if you try to fetch all members on startup
  • The client events "guildMemberAdd", "guildMemberRemove", "guildMemberUpdate" do not emit
  • Guild#memberCount returns count as of ready

❯ Resources

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