I 55 Closing Gaps for domestic fares indication of booking locally only - UnionInternationalCheminsdeFer/OSDM GitHub Wiki

I-55: Closing Gaps for domestic fares - indication of booking locally only


  • OSDM needs to close gaps for domestic fares in order to proof towards ERA / EU that is a valid solution for all domestic fares

  • The Gap Analysis has discovered a gap on the indication on payment on board


  • CER/UIC Frauke Quik

Business Value

  • OSDM is applicable to all domestic tariffs.
  • Parts of a trip that need to be purchased on board can be indicated to the passenger

Business Outcomes

The measurable benefits that the business can anticipate if the epic hypothesis is proven to be correct.

Leading Indicators

The early measures that will help predict the business outcome hypothesis. For more on this topic, see the Innovation Accounting advanced topic article.

  • Exchange of conditions and selling of add on ancillaries will fix the gap in domestic fares

Nonfunctional Requirements

Nonfunctional requirements (NFRs) associated with the epic.



Add code to facility code list BOOKING_ON_BOARD_ONLY to indicate for each leg --> Clemens adds a patch