I 3 Complete Support for partial refund exchange - UnionInternationalCheminsdeFer/OSDM GitHub Wiki

I-3: Complete support for partial refund/exchange


The current specification for V1.1 supports basic exchange. The aim of this improvement is to fully support exchange including remise-à-disposition (RAD).


  • Selleslagh Nicolas (Bene)
  • Turri Stefan (Trenitalia/IBM)
  • Parmigiani Elisa (Amadeus)
  • Quermais Manuel (SNCF)

Business Value

For customers

who want to partially refund or exchange ticket

the refinement of the refund/exchange operations

is an improvement

that enables full after sales operation

unlike the current specification

our solution allow full self-service.

Business Outcomes

The measurable benefits that the business can anticipate if the epic hypothesis is proven to be correct.

  • Fewer refund/exchange operations at the POS or at the help desk.

Leading Indicators

The early measures that will help predict the business outcome hypothesis. For more on this topic, see the Innovation Accounting advanced topic article.

  • First implementation in 2021.

Nonfunctional Requirements

Nonfunctional requirements (NFRs) associated with the epic.

  • REST best practices.


Specification Effort: MEDIUM

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